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I'm not sure why, but I was under the impression that the sale of bongs etc. was still legal in most states other than Qld and SA.


However, while searching for some legal info for a friend, I stumbled upon this..



Sale, supply and display of waterpipes and ice pipes

11A Sale, supply and display of waterpipes and ice pipes


(1) In this section:

"ice pipe" means:


(a) a device capable of being used for the administration of a prohibited drug by means of the smoking or inhaling of the smoke or fumes resulting from the heating or burning of the drug in a crystal or powder form, or


(b ) a device that is apparently intended to be such a device but that is not capable of being so used because it needs an adjustment, modification or addition,


and includes a device known as an ice pipe or a crack pipe, but does not include a device of a class or description prescribed by the regulations as not being an ice pipe for the purposes of this section.

"shop" includes:


(a) so much of a building or place as is used for the sale, or supply in the course of commercial transactions, of goods, and


(b ) a stall or other structure used for such sale or supply of goods at a market or elsewhere,


but does not include anything prescribed by the regulations as not being a shop for the purposes of this section.

"waterpipe" means:


(a) a device capable of being used for the administration of a prohibited drug, by means of the drawing of smoke or fumes (resulting from the heating or burning of the drug) through water or another liquid, or


(b ) a device that is apparently intended to be such a device but that is not capable of being so used because it needs an adjustment, modification or addition,


and includes a device known as a bong, but does not include a device of a class or description prescribed by the regulations as not being a waterpipe for the purposes of this section.


(2) A person who:


(a) sells a waterpipe or an ice pipe, or


(b ) supplies a waterpipe or an ice pipe in the course of or in connection with a commercial transaction,


is guilty of an offence.


(3) A person who displays a waterpipe or an ice pipe:


(a) in a shop, or


(b ) near but in connection with a shop,


is guilty of an offence, unless the person satisfies the court that the display was not for a commercial purpose.


(4) For the purposes of this section, it is immaterial that the waterpipe or ice pipe was used or intended to be used for a purpose other than the administration of a prohibited drug.


I couldn't find any more detail about...

but does not include a device of a class or description prescribed by the regulations as not being a waterpipe for the purposes of this section.
..so I'm assuming all bongs would be regarded as waterpipes.

Considering they're on full display in a few shops in Nimbin, I'm assuming the pigs just choose to turn a blind eye :applause:


..or have I got the bull by the tit.. again :thumbsup:

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