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The "research" done by Politicians?

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The hard street drug Marijuana is a rising and popular gateway drug, known for its ease to obtain, its catastrophic effects, and its uninformed proponents. The most common form of consumption involves taking the marijuana plant, rolling it in paper soaked in PCP, and inhaling deeply. Marijuana possesses many negative properties and almost no noticeably positive ones. It was originally grown in laboratories by Islamic terrorists to provide the additional financial cushioning needed for the attacks of September 11, among others.


Just had me in fits of laughter! I mean seriously. I hurt now from laughing so hard! http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/laugh.gif

And that is only the first paragraph! lol


I genuinely feel sorry for people who believe any of that. I mean, we know that it's a dis-information page designed for humour. lol

But the scary thing is, that there ARE people out there who would believe it! lol




Edited by Rose Gardener
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Oh SHIT! I thought :rolleyes:. I thought this was fair-dinkum. I'm getting more paranoid every day withthis idiot super-coservative direction of the world. Just waiting for the catalyst to justify throwing us all in jail for even simpler shit...hell you gave me a fright..


Actually, you lost me with The

"research" done by Politicians?
They don't research anything do they ?lol

Serious but, royal commisions cost millions on top of millions, and involved many experts in every feild and sub feild of the enquiey, that's what the idea is I suppose.

Some-one's saying there's a problem, and an indepndant body gets appointed to get those who represent the most eductaed and well informed of every area concerned to give their views. They get as many as they can have ballanced opinions from the plarised positions, and present it to government in a neat, well refferecned, provable document, that will see them clear to move in the right direction fearless of retribution, becuase they acted in full confidence of the best research and professional opion in the world at their disposal. no way could anything they do in accordance of that level of research could be used against the,and anyone wishing to do the right thing has nothing to fear, and so much to gain from following the advice of he commision, no matter if they felt otherwise or not.


And yet at least 70% (sorry that's my arbitrary number) of the commisions I know of for the last 40 years have itemised the decrimalisation of grass all that time. Som, they were right up high in the commision's suggestions, others you'd wonder how pot got a mention at all in some enquirey, kinda didnt seem relevant. but the weightier the commision, the more likely it always came up to free the drug.


research? what's that?


Gee, I've gone on a rant again. sorry.


But that was funny. And like Isaid, scared the crap out of me.




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