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What should I use for catterpillers?

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Hey all I'm having problems with small catterpillars. There are hundreds of them and they are getting in the buds and destroying them. At the moment I'm just pulling them off but there are just too many and cause they are in the buds pulling them off only bruises the buds more. Whats a good product to use?




RR :thumbsup:

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bro rat

kill dem all and come bak alone

keep on it squseh about 20 adem likkle cattapillars with yah fingers in a small bottel of water bout 100mls is fine

screw the lid on tight and give it a good shake

leave the water in the bottle right next to the infected plants for 10hr


when it is ready (10hrs later)

strain it out

and spray it on mixed at 100 parts water to 1 part strained cattapilla solution


works everytime


dont smoke chemicals

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irey gibo

how effective would say it is???


i can see how it would work

as the grubs breakdown in the water so the population of microbes that do the job buildsup in the water

this is germ warfare, bio wepons of mass destruction

poor grubs dont stand a chance


after inubating for 10hrs at grow temps eg left right next to the infected plants, indoor or outdoor na matter,

it is ready to strain and spray on the plants

i have done expermints where i sprayed every second plant

and the gurbs wholdnt go near the sprayed plants

even crawled right away when i put them on the sprayed plants

have you tried anyting like dat??

i know some people who just squash the grubs and wipe them on the stem and get results


i think that would encourage ants so i dont do that

i use the spray

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Although I've never done it, what radic is saying is a very highly respected way of dealing with this kind of problem in bio-dyanimc, truly organic and permaculutre gardens. Im ean to say people who take spraying poison as a sin, and yet depend on the crops infected for food, so it muftst work.


I'm afraid I'd likely go for poison, but whathave you got to loose by trying radic's idea? You;ll know injust one day how it goes.


best of luck




PS. Strong chilli powder might be worth a go too. Or crush lots of chillis and soak in water, strain, and spray. But seriosuly, Radic's advice has been something I've seen and heard from very serious gardeners, and the theory is sound. The insect you use to make the mix suffers a bacteria infestation, and the infestation insects being genetically identical, have no chance of defending against the bacteria. it;s like your children comming home with a stomache bug and giving you a big sloppy kiss. You'll be spewing within hoirs. Same theory.


I'd love for you to try it, and let us know how it goes.


keep us informed, no matter how you procced would ya?


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