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Electricity cost calculator

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Guest sambam420afghanica
:D leafy Thats so funny i cant believe you had to go into so much detail. I FELT so lucky when i started out it was like $0.12 per KW/H now its like 0.14 for the first 2000KWH and 0.15 for every KWH over that AND thats every Quarter so i feel privilaged to live in this nation like australia. BUT please for greenhouse emissions stick your 600Watters and use as many of them as possible.
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Guest sambam420afghanica
Sorry forgot to ADD leafy btw i get charged 38 bucks service fee and thats basically my bill. Its pretty simply laid out but ive worked for electrical companies and they do work with law enforcement. Just make sure you run other appliances if you plan to have some time off running the 16hr veg growth lights as to not arouse suspicion. the 12/12 flowering isnt a prob if its already in sync with your lifestyle.
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to work out how much a grow will cost:


There will usually be a compliance plate near the power cord on the ballast but there's no reason to believe that its accurate so that's not a lot of use.


How much power a 1000w bulb draws depends in part on what the voltage is to your house (it does vary). Eg. consider a bulb that draws 1000watt at 230volt (assuming that its a resistive load, just to be pedantic):

at 220v it would draw 915watt and cost .12c/kwhr x 0.915kw = 11 cents per hour

but at 240v the same bulb would draw 1090watt and cost .12c/kwhr x 1.09 = 13 cents/hr


Much the same variance applies to the ballast and fans etc.


To get a true idea of how much power your rig is using you need to either measure total current and voltage and multiply them together (this takes knowing how to use a multimeter) or alternatively you can try this:


Turn off all appliances in your house. turn them off at the power points to avoid phantom loads. Remeber the fridge, electric water heater, all lights etc. Next read the meter box. then run your grow rig: lights, pumps etc. for a fixed time like one hour and then re read your meter. Subtract the first reading from the second to give you the amount of power consumed. Some simple maths from there on will give you a very accurate idea of hw much a grow is going to cost.


Have fun

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