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hey guys

DJ SHORT says breeding with a male with pistels

makes for a more femanised batch of seeds

or similar anyways

well i have had numerous males show this

i have always said they are hermies

but i wanna try and see wats the go

atm i have 2 boys with a few pistels

male NLpost-8244-1210141183_thumb.jpg

male HERI'post-8244-1210141630_thumb.jpg

I WILL run this female skunk up against the male NL


lets see wat happens to the progeny

overfed a bit \in transition but will come good later


please feel free to comment on ya opinion

its a very talked about subject i reckon

are we poluting the gene pool with these inferior males?

will these balls with pistels produce seeds?

buggers me but lets see.. is it a phenonenomennon



ill try and get better pics tomoorow


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Ha Billo, dj.short is a legend botanist so if he says that ,i reckon he's probably right...But i've also heard that to get 98%feminized seeds you should let your female plant go past maturity until 1 or two tiny male flowers appear,then as the bananna looking male flowers are about to shed its pollen collect it....Then put the pollen on your selected female and all you have to do is wait until seeds rattle intheir pods.....I've done this experiment quite a few times and every single seed ive sprouted and grown out have all turned out chicky babes..........i crossed afghan to a mango strain and it turned out awsome.........good luck with your science.............spaceleaf.................
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hey guys

DJ SHORT says breeding with a male with pistels

makes for a more femanised batch of seeds

or similar anyways

well i have had numerous males show this

i have always said they are hermies

but i wanna try and see wats the go.......


please feel free to comment on ya opinion

its a very talked about subject i reckon

are we poluting the gene pool with these inferior males?

will these balls with pistels produce seeds?

buggers me but lets see.. is it a phenonenomennon



:/ Hey Billo, cool post. Where to start lol


lol Over the years I've done alot of experimenting and this is the theory I've come up with on the whole 'hermie' subject.


:peace: If you want buds with no seed, it doesn't matter whether a plant is a genetic hermaphrodite or a sex reversed plant. The result is the same, seeds. Unfortunatly this has led to both sex reversed plants and genetic hermaphrodites being lumped under the one title 'Hermies'. This is technicaly incorrect and if on the other hand you are wanting to breed seeds then it is important to understand the difference.


:peace: A true genetic hermaphrodite or 'Hermie' will grow true male, true female and often also hermaphrodite flowers of either sex on the same plant. Some of these plants have multiple sets of chromosomes which can create all kinds of weird plants. Some that start out male and turn female or visa versa, others that have different branches that are either male or female and sometimes ones that even change sex back and forward throughout the flower cycle. If you want to breed seeds that are either male or female, these plants are next to usless. KILL THEM lol . All other true genetic hermies, and remember this is only my theory, have what I call the Z chromosome replacing the normal X or Y chromosome. Unlike multi-chromosome plants, these grow in a fairly uniform way. Plants that grow prodominatly female flowers have a ZX combination, predominatly male flowers a ZY combination and those that are half half, a ZZ combination of chromosomes. The Z chromosome being either hermaphrodite itself or its gene dominance is dependant on the X or Y it is coupled to. Alot of wild strains and some hemp strains are predominatly genetic hermies. It is possible to breed seeds that are either male or female from these plants but that is a topic in itself.


lol Sex reversed plants are plants that geneticaly are true males or true females. True genetic males have an X and a Y chromosome and true genetic females have two X chromasomes that determine sex. One chromosome from each parent. True genetic females can't grow true male flowers and a true genetic male can't grow true female flowers. If they do they are a genetic hermie, not sex reversed. When you cross true male pollen, which is either X or Y with a true female that can only be X, you get either true males XY or true females XX, normally in a 50/50 ratio. Under stress, male and female cannabis plants can both 'sex reverse' and grow hermaphrodite flowers. This doesn't make them 'hermies' as only the flowers are hermaphrodite, not the whole plant, they are 'sex reversed' plants. The genes respossible for this ability are different genes to the sex genes and can be bred out of a strain. A female hermaphrodite flower has male stamen instead of white hairs sticking out of the seed bract. they are often called bannana flowers due to their appearance and males have the usual balls but with white hairs sticking out like in your pictures.


lol If you cross pollen from a sex reversed female plant, which can only carry an X chromosome, to itself or another true female, all resulting seed will be XX and therefore female. Pollen from a sex reversed male is still X or Y which makes no difference if you cross to a female plant but if you cross to itself or another sex reversed male you will end up with XX (fem), XY (male) and YY (also male) seeds as the hermie flowers are geneticaly still male with either an X or Y chromosome. It is often easier to isolate or identify genes in the offspring of these plants than it is with female plants, which is what I think DJ SHORT :bow: was probably getting at Billo. It is obviously important to correctly identify which plants are YY males as breeding from these will result in 100% male seeds. Normaly it's alot harder to get seed from a sex reversed male than it is a female as most hermaphrodite male flowers seem to be sterile but it can be done.


;) Peace MongyMan

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