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Canadian Rights and Freedoms are at Risk

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Canadian Rights and Freedoms are at Risk

An Important Notice Regarding Bill C-51


On April 8th, 2008, the Canadian Minister of Health introduced Bill C-51 into the House of Commons. This Bill proposes significant changes to the current Food and Drugs Act that will have wide-ranging negative implications for Canadians.


Bill C-51 will:


* Remove democratic oversight, bypassing elected officials to vote in laws and allow bureaucrats to adopt laws from other countries without our consent.


* Remove more than 70% of Natural Health Products from Canadians and many others will be available by prescription only.


* Restrict research and development of safe natural alternatives in favor of high risk drugs.


* Punish Canadians with little or no opportunity for protection or recourse for simply speaking about or giving a natural product without the approval of government. More than 70% of people in Canada use a Natural Health Product. The new law goes so far as to warrant action against a person who would give another person an unapproved amount of garlic on the recommendation that it would improve that persons health.


When C-51 becomes law government agents will be able to:


* Enter private property without a warrant


* Take your property at their discretion


* Dispose of your property at will


* Not reimburse you for your losses


* Seize your bank accounts without a warrent


* charge owners shipping and storage charges for seized property


* store your property indefinitely


* levy fines of up to $5,000,000.00 and/or seek 2 years in jail per charge


With your assets and money under their control will you be able to defend yourself in Court?



Can you trust government with this new law and enforcement power?


Would our government really ever turn this law against us? Read the following account.








In 2003 Health Canada launched an attack on a group of mentally ill patients and the company who supported them naturally. They seized shipments of a safe natural therapy required by the patients and stormed the support center with 17 armed officers and agents. The company (Truehope) reported that they lost contact with more than 300 of their Canadian participants. The Canadian Mental Health Association told of suicides as a result of government action.


Health Canada then charged the not for profit company, burdening them with heavy legal costs. Health Canada lost this case. Although the agents admitted knowing they were injuring people through their actions, they continued to enforce policy at the cost of life. And what happened to the more than 300 mentally ill Canadians that became unreachable? In the months and years following, reports of hospitalizations and suicides during the seizures have surfaced. No Health Canada agent has ever been charged.




* Will this new law be used to abuse and punish special interest groups, minorities, religious groups or others?


* Why do bureaucrats want to bypass the Parliament and Senates approval to create new laws?


* Why do bureaucrats want seizure warrants without judge approval ?


* With fines being increased a 1000 times, and seizing authority without a warrant, is Bill C-51 meant to bankrupt and silence its target audience?



Here's what you can do to protect your rights:


Educate Yourself


We all need to fight this from all across the world, so lets get angry and start fighting back.

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