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New Breathalizer Testing

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Okay so, this may be a nightmare come true BUT I have only heard rumors about it.


I live in the states and a couple of days ago I was a few counties over checking out this tattoo shop, and visit a friend.

But in the tattoo parlor one tattooist told me of a new breathalizer test going to be issued in that county from May to October.


Supposedly, it can detect EVERY drug known to man. Even prescription drugs. YES this includes our beloved own, Marijuana.


Now again idk if it's true. I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of this else were.

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Yep, they have them here in Australia and the cops use them in several states. I don't know about every drug known to man but certainly mj, cocaine, heroin and amphetamines.


There's some recent news on this site about them so I suggest you go through the Australian mj news on the cannabis community links and have a read.

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Yep, they have them here in Australia and the cops use them in several states. I don't know about every drug known to man but certainly mj, cocaine, heroin and amphetamines.


The tests here are for THC, methylamphetamine, and MDMA, not HEROIN. I believe that they don't test for heroin because of the similarities to some prescription drugs but I'm not totally sure.



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MDMA? Ecstasy right?


yeah thats the one. Like Mulray said there are a few threads here about this topic. Not sure if we are using the same tests as what you heard about either. The tests here are saliva tests and are not supposed to detect THC after about 4 hours. In other words you should be able to drive 4 hours after your last smoke. In theory anyway. :thumbsup:

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yeah thats the one. Like Mulray said there are a few threads here about this topic. Not sure if we are using the same tests as what you heard about either. The tests here are saliva tests and are not supposed to detect THC after about 4 hours. In other words you should be able to drive 4 hours after your last smoke. In theory anyway. :thumbsup:


Thats exactly the piece of information I've been looking for since I heard about this.



Anyway, yeah I can't find much about it in the U.S

Keeping it on the DL I guess. Makes since too though.

Even if you aren't sure about that, its still a ballpark. Iwas think worse case scenario which would be 30days or so... That would be bad to say at the least.


Anyway, the hogs out here are gunna try it in Madison county as a test run. Theres alot of Meth labs out there so that makes since. Plus it's fucking boring out there, all there is too do is drugs. Drugs and sex :peace:

Thats actually the only place I know where to get peyote.

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The tests here are for THC, methylamphetamine, and MDMA, not HEROIN. I believe that they don't test for heroin because of the similarities to some prescription drugs but I'm not totally sure.




Jeez, that's great news. We can't have a smoke or buy bongs but freaking smack heads on the nod can drive a car to the needle exchange and get free syringes to inject more of their desired poison and then drive home. I think I might take up heroin seeing as its getting so cheap and the system is so nice to heroin junkies. Damn man, what the hell is wrong with the politicians and cops??


Heroin rocks Oz Stoners - let's all get busy growing opium :thumbsup:

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Yeah, I can't grasp the concept of taking such a destructive drug...

But I just realized that means I'll have to wait to get back towards the city to blaze up my Peyote. I really shouldn't be driving and smoking that shit anyway, it's supposed to be five grams before you hallucinate but thats bullshit. :/


Anyfuckingway, I'm gunna smoke my bowl and go to sleep...

See ya'll in the AM


PeacEasy MCL :thumbsup::peace:

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Jeez, that's great news. We can't have a smoke or buy bongs but freaking smack heads on the nod can drive a car to the needle exchange and get free syringes to inject more of their desired poison and then drive home. I think I might take up heroin seeing as its getting so cheap and the system is so nice to heroin junkies. Damn man, what the hell is wrong with the politicians and cops??


Heroin rocks Oz Stoners - let's all get busy growing opium :peace:


Exactly Mull. It also gives a green light to joe public who abuses opiate based prescription drugs.




Anyone who believes drug testing at work or the roadside is about safety, is kidding themselves.


Very few workplace drug policies will actually net prescription drug abusers and urine-testing has been shown in both WA and central QLD mining regions to increase the use of amphetamines and MDMA.


This country's tough stance on drugs is turning the younger generation into chemical abusing zombies.


Note how there was no 'Ice epidemic' before they clamped down on psuedo-ephedrine!

In their blind attempt to hurt speed manufacturers, our own fucking Government created the Ice problem.


..but hey, I'm just some crack-pot weed smoker, probably having that first phsycotic episode that I've been told to expect for the past 14 yrs of toking :thumbsup:

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