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Which nutrients?

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I’m pleased to be member of the forums which is considered the best forum for cannabis cultivation  I have been reading a whole lot of post by the experienced members with lots of posts that are quite interesting and educating and don’t stab newbie’s ;) so I couldn’t hold back in registering.

I have general question regarding flowering if anyone could help I would be really appreciative


My babies are around 21" now, I’m quite pleased to say for my first grow there doing gr8 and their only doing great because I have been reading almost every post and following experienced users posts and suggestions 


This is my situation, I’ve been using “Dutch Masters One” product because I’m a beginner and didn’t want to use a 2 phase product so I can learn the prerequisites first. Now I’m at that stage where I’m ready to pull them back to 12/12


I’ve read so many articles regarding how Advance Nutrients products produce great yield and on the other hand I’ve read that their over rated and overpriced And I ‘m hoping to change nutrient manufacturer without hurting the girls.


Some people swear by General Hydroponics which is quite $pricey$ too!


And further to my research I have been lead to Believe Dutch Masters BIG BUD has been recalled for health reasons. Just basically debates after debates and quite $$ products!


And last of all, do I just flush the “one” and clean the reservoir and fill it with the flowering solution or do people flush the vegetative solution before commencing the flowering cycle.



These are my options




Thanks in advance!


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Hi there and welcome to ozstoners.


Diffrent ppl like to use a wide range of nutes and have very diffrent views on them, me for have used the Optimum range of nutes and cant fault them and have used a few other types as well.


When turning to 12/12 i leave what veg nutes are in the rez and once they have run out i will then fill up with bud nutes, u can do a flush before u add the bud nutes but i dont think it is needed myself, but it can help doing a flush with strait water to help wash out any salts build up from the nutes.


The last flush should be done a week before u harvest that way the strait water will wash the taste of the nutes out of the pot and can make for a better smoke in the end...

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Mate, they're all good nutrients. It really just comes down to personal preference. I used Dutchfest when I was growing in Clay and it was good. Hell, I really don't know what's best if there is such a thing. Now I grow in coco I've used a few different nutrients and never really noticed any real difference. I think its all marketing hype at the end of the day and the reason no one seems to agree which is best is because there is no best. Everyones got different opinions and no one agrees so what does that really tell us. It's all the same old same old.


You're fine with just changing nutrients when you dump the tank. I used to just use grow all the way through and add Potash when they started flowering and got great results. The only difference between a bloom nutrient and a grow nutrient is the NPK ratios anyways. We get fed so much bullshit about this product and this product and that product just don't believe the hype, there's the tip.

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F8*k what an awesome reply cheers! I've gone and bought Bitch'n femail hormones and Sensi Bloom Part A and B

To my unfortune it looks like a branch has snaped (supid mistake I made! doing to many things at once with only 2 hands!!!) and the plant looks stressed after fiming ;) so i'll see how they go and hopefully in a couple of days they recover

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i use Dutch Master nutes.. they are pretty good.. and at a reasonable price... for flowering.. choose the 2 part A+B.. its simple to use...


flush all the grow nutes out first .. theres no need to clean the resi... just run clean water through the pots to get rid of all the built up salts.. also gives the plant fresh start when you dose with flowering nutes.. cant get any easier really..


i also use Monsta Bud/Ozitonic, its 100% organic and really makes the buds swell and fatten up.. use it all the way through flower.. one is for the first half.. one is for the second... instructions are on the bottle

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Yep, if you grow in coco use coco nutes fer sure.


Hey mate, if your store sells Integral Hydroponics (book) buy a copy. Best investment I ever made through a hydro store. Like the author says, "Knowledge is power" and my yields went up about 30% + once I realised that knowledge really was power. Listen to what the author has to say - that man seriously knows his shit.


It'll save you a lot of money and make your yields good cause then you'll understand that nutrients aren't the only key. Environment and nutrition have to work hand in hand and by getting your environment right with the use of good nutes (which I think they're all pretty good these days) you too shall have the power.


I'm trying AN nutes at the moment. Dutchmaster nutes are good and well priced but to be honest I'm yet to settle on any one nutrient because I sort of like to play around and see if any is better than the other.


I use silica, a grow nute in grow, a bloom nute in bloom and a PK product in bloom (definitely use a PK product in bloom). I also use friendly bacteria to keep the system in balance and to make sure no nasty bacteria can screw with my plants root zones. Helps with nutrient uptake too. Remember to flush with just water for the last week so the final product is clean. Recently I've started using a mollassus (brought from supermarket :thumbsup:) and guano mix for the last 10 days. My final product tastes beautiful and organic using this method. No chem taste - just beautiful organic tasting smoke.....


Grow well lad and look to forward to hearing how you go.

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