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8000 cannabis plants in cottage

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" Inspector Woods said last night. "The consequences of a blast, taking into the account the intricate electrical wiring system, would have been catastrophic. It would have gone up like a bomb."

Impossible. That is a typical hysterical lie from a liar


"It is startling that the electricity suppliers didn’t smell a rat," said Insp Woods. "There must have been more power generated into that small property than all of Macclesfield put together!"

This prick just can't help himself, I wonder if he was half pissed when they interviewed him? More likely pissed off to the max that the grow was only 400mtrs from the pig pen :peace:


Detective Stef Hever, leading the investigations, said the high levels of electricity required for the system led to an overload at the power supply, and the fire broke out,

Correct. This guy must have been from another pig pen and doesn't care if he tells the truth while his mate looks like a dumb arse :blink:

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Yeah the estimate is a little closer to the truth. there's a stpry getting aroun dmy place at present, the undercover cops lamenting someone got a "slap on the wrist" for a crop they estimated at worth 1 million dollars!! In his GARAGE!~! I'd like to see that fuckin garage..;)


Officers routinely attending a blaze on Saturday lunchtime at the Georgian three-storey rented semi on sleepy Bridge Street – just 400 yards away from Brunswick Street Police Station


This of course makes perfect sense. less distance to walk to work every day. Maybe I'm a cynic, and maybe 30 years of seeing every big crop I ever knew of being protected (in so much as they at least ignore reports) by cops makes me that, but this kind of op usually has police protection I think. I knew a bloke who is dead now days, who grew large amounts of weed. I don't know if he was having a lend of me or what, i was quiet young. but I asked him how he grows such huge crops without being busted, and in such open areas as he did (very pre indoor garden days). He told me that you grow where you can get a cop onside, don't worry about the soil or whatever.


This copper does sound pissed off to me in the interview, and lookig of people to blame!



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this was a vietnamese grow, there are alot getting busted over here at the moment. rumour has it that most of it goes for export to europe (including amsterdam) 'cos there's still a shortage of quality weed on the streets although there's the usual soapbar and some contaminated stuff for the non discerning. prices haven't changed in ten years though.


there's alot of crap in the press about canna atm. the prohibitionists are working themselves into a froth because there's a government report on drugs due out at the end of this month on whether to reclassify back from Class C to Class B and it isn't going to recommend that. we'll have to see what gordon brownjob will do.

other sinister thing is that punishments for growing seem to be getting stiffer - maybe the judges are anticipating a change to B but whatever happens, it won't be logical and it won't be right.

expect fireworks at the end of the monthe when the ACMD report is released officially.

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I thought Gordan Brown had already made his mind up regardless of advice from the Ministerial Council - he announced in the media that he will be rescheduling mj to class B again. Same all over mate - busts have been going down big in every country.


Yes, Rob, one thing is for sure - how the hell do these bastards who are in the newspaper every other day as organised crime entities keep getting away with things?? Something is definitely suspect about this. These guys have to have cops on the pay roll fer sure. No conspiracy theory there mate - just straight plain common sense hey.

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