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It will stop stretch dead in its tracks so make sure your hight is where you want it , it will lower the smell of your buds and lower the potency a little but they will be very tight and hard , a good time to use it is at about 7 to 10 days after turning to flower , you can use it foliar spray 5 ml to 1 ltr or in the tank at the rate of 1 ml per ltr , I use it in the tank as sometime foliar will discolor some leaves , Ive seen no such discoloration when its in the res which I leave in for the week untill next tank change , if you have a very smelly strain like I do its good , whether I use it or not I cant get past 6 wks when the biggest crowns will start to mold from deep within , my only way around it is take the big crowns at 6-7 weeks and give the rest a week or 2 longer ,
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has been a while since ive used pgrs but pretty sure cycocel is/ was the second part of the product i was using. seemed to give an explosion of growth around week two or 1 week after the first part was applied. Spaceleaf have alook at a product called uturn its a 4 part that may or maynot now use said chem..
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Guys hello!!!! www.integralhydro.com/pgrs.html


2 formulas for mixing Superbud and a cycocel mix also. He tells you whats in Superbud and Rockjuice. Tells you how to mix it and how to use it. The formulas to these products are there. Now you can mix your own nasty shit.


I've sent G.Low a email asking about cycocel. Did a google and you can buy the stuff from agricultural suppliers (chloremequat chloride = cycocel). Use at 1ml/ltr but based on what G.Low is saying you have to use a bit of urea to help with uptake.


So, www.integralhydro.com/pgrs.html


After reading whats in these products there is no way on gods green earth I would use them although he does say that cycocel is a better (less poisoness option) then Superbud which contains Paclobutrazol and Alar (better check that but I think alar - I'm going to google it as its a banned for use in any consumable product bad guy ----- carcingenic).

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What I like is the site says its next one is going to be on how to make clone gels and solutions. The PGR formulas are no good for me. I definitely won't be mixing up any.



It will be interesting to see how much it costs to make our own stuff compared to what we've been paying. I for one would definitely like to be able to make my own so that I never have to go to a hydro store again.


I'm going to email him and ask if he can tell us how to make nutrients. My list is easy.


Silica, Coco nute and PK 13-14. Wonder if he'll take requests.


I've used Bonzi I think twice because I had to (my plants were going crazy and heading for the ceiling) but I think Bonzi is pretty safe.

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