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A challange to you all Please do this.

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I just sent these letters of to the TGA and to the Federal Health Minister, here is my challange to you all, do the same, I don't care if you use what I have put in or your own wording, but do it. Given there are 8,425 registered members at current and more every day if even 50% did so they would be burried in paperwork and also have a major problem. Remember we all know users who are not members so get all to do the same. Oh year before you all start I know the growers are going to say they do not want to draw attention to themselves and that in my email I made it look like all hydro is poison and street dealers are evil, I for one do not believe this and what we are trying to use their own propaganda against them and these are their words. If some people don't want to join in then that is fine, if some others get upset please remember they are the ones who declaired war and we have to fight back with everything we can.



eds@tga.gov.au Trying to find the form, Please help

My husband and I who have severe medical problems require the form to be able to purchase, possess and use Cannabis in our treatment of these medical problems. We both have severe spinal injuries, and I also suffer from Asthma, Hypothyroid, now given that after many weeks of pethidine injections that were being given 3 times daily and in the end were not working, I tried Cannabis for the first time and it worked as this injury and other medical problems will never go away and given that man made medicines do not work and in most instances I cannot take because of my Thyroid medication, I therefore need to be able to have available to me the only medicine I can safely use and that I know that works.


Therefore I am requesting the form to be able to source the medicine needed for my health ASAP, the police have informed me that I need this form to insure I do not have any further problems, also that it must be made available to me under the laws by which this Herb has been taken of the market.


Please let me know if you require me to send you the copy of the relevant legislation.






Single treaty on Narcotics

Dear Nicola,

As signatories to this treaty can you please tell me why Australia has failed to live up to its obligation to provide for Medical and Religious purpose Cannabis? Given that I am only one of thousands of citizens of Australia who need this plant for both and even on the Government web site it says we can apply to the TGA to be able to use it for medical use although as far as I can see the form to do so does not exist, what then are we supposed to do? Should I get my medication from street dealers who grow the plant with harmful chemicals that do major damage to every part of my body? Do I get listed as a criminal for growing, possessing and using a plant known world wide for its healing properties? Do I say to God that he must have been wrong when he tells me in Genesis 1:29 I give you every plant bearing seed for your use/ food, also in Exodus 30 where he tells us we are to make the Holy Oil for anointing and healing and that we are to do so for all generations? Or is the Government going to establish a Cannabis control board as described under the Treaty to provide our medicine and Religious Sacrament of the Holy Anointing Oil?


Is it the case that the Government has decided that they know more than God on who's very word we are to swear on in a court of law, and on his word this country and many others Laws are based?


I would genuinely desire an answer from you our latest Health Minister in the Federal Government of Australia.

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Littlebit, I'm looking into legal defenses for lightening and came across your points. Can you get and post the excerpts from the Single Convention that draw attention to the fact that cannabis should be made available for legal medical and religious purposes in the convention. I need to look at these and the articles relating to them.


If what you are saying is correct then the Australian Government has failed to apply aspects of the convention into statute law and while a highly problematic legal challenge this could very well be the loophole we're looking for. If no one has challenged and lost on this basis we can go all the way to the high court - International law is taken very seriously at high court level.


What we are now talking is law and breach (non application/failure to apply to all articles of the convention) of international law - this means we have a very real shot at going to the High Court. Start researching guys and post it up for me to look at the relevant articles and clauses so I can begin looking at case law. :blink:

Edited by mullray
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mullray the apropriate clauses and details of the treaty are in my defence thread in the original document. see intyernational treaties heading about 1/3 way through i think. littl was wrong re religious use ga\uaranteed but the medical is stated as MUST be available for pain and suffering. they have fuilfilleed the requirement with respect to opiates with the tasmanian opium control board but not for cannabinoids.


this point is made in my doc, maybe I need to restate it to make it more strongly stated

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OK, no that won't do it. I was interpreting law.


First off, opiates were traditionally used as heroin for pain relief and at the time the convention was being debated there were massive issues with this. The Brits never signed because of this, hence England having a legal seed supply trade and still using medically pure heroin for pain relief (heroin is to date far more efficient and humane for pain relief than synthetically derived opiate based medicines). You will note that Australia has, I believe, the largest legal opium supply in the world - however, all of this opium MUST be used in pharmaceuticals (i.e synthetic opium produced from opium). When Australia was talking about heroin trials the INCB/US Government actually overturned these trials by lobbying the Tasmanian poppy farmers and explaining that they would lose their legal right to produce Opium if the government moved ahead with trials - (I.e. heroin produced from Australian opium and prescribed would be in breach of the convention). Further to this, John Howard, was also spoken to and the possibility of trials were immediately aborted.



Unless cannabis has a legally recognised status in medicine in Australia (and of course definitions of procedure and pharmaceutical derivatives would then need to apply through statute law etc) there is no legal basis for this argument. Besides this, the definitions (if any) would contradict your argument because you would need a legal medical prescription from a doctor if definitions to legal cannabis prescription in Australia applied (which as far as I can see do not in Australia).

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A reply from the TGA with the form, if you want this form please email or PM me I will send it to you. :blink:


Thank you for your email regarding obtaining Cannabis for your personal use . I am from the Drug Safety and Evaluation Branch of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The Drug Safety and Evaluation Branch is responsible for prescription medicines. In response to your enquiry, I offer you the following information.


The piece of Commonwealth legislation that controls the regulation of medicines in Australia is the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 ("the Act"). The Act exists in order to ensure the quality, safety, efficacy and timely availability of therapeutic goods in Australia. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is responsible for administering the Act. Essentially, any product for which therapeutic claims are made must be included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) before it can be supplied in Australia.


In order for a therapeutic good to appear on the ARTG, a sponsor (manufacturer) must lodge an application with the TGA. This application, including all supporting data is then evaluated by the TGA. The TGA does not seek out sponsors to put forward particular applications for particular medicines. It is the responsibility of the sponsors to do so.


Any product that is not contained in the ARTG is considered to be an "unapproved" good. In order to gain access to an unapproved good in Australia, your doctor must apply through the Special Access Scheme (SAS). To gain SAS approval an Australian-registered medical practitioner will firstly need to apply to the TGA for Special Access Scheme (SAS) approval to treat you with this products. Whether or not the doctor receives approval depends on whether the doctor can provide clinical justification for treating you with this product.


The Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP) places Cannabis into Schedule 9. , i.e." substances which may be abused or misused, the manufacture, possession, sale or use of which should be prohibited by law". Further, this substance is a prohibited import under the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 and therefore cannot be imported unless an import permit is issued prior to importation.


It is likely that State and Territory legislation presently would not allow the use of this product as it falls into Schedule 9 of the SUSDP. While the SUSDP is not uniformly adopted in Australia by all States and Territories, legislative arrangements are such that in essence, the same prohibitions are in place. Each State and Territory has its own 'Drugs Misuse Act' that captures these types of substances.

You would need to approach the Health Department of the State or Territory that you reside in to determine this precisely.


I have attached a link to our website that explains the Special Access Scheme and I have also attached the Category B SAS form that your doctor will need to complete.






I hope this information is of assistance.



Jocelyn McDonald

Senior Pharmacist

Experimental Drugs Section

Therapeutic Goods Administration


ph +61 2 6232 8101

fax +61 2 6232 8112

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Dear Mullray,

"International law is taken very seriously at high court level."

Unfortunately this is not true. I've been there. I've done that. I raised the UN Charter in the following courts:

Local Court

District Court

State Supreme Courts

Federal Court and

High Court of Australia.

International law is treated as a tool which a court can use or reject. There are a number of ways that the courts do this.

Currently and very much behind the scenes, there is a lot going on vis-a-vis the Commonwealth of Australia, the UK government and European and international law. (And the full story will never be know, again for a lot of different reasons.) For example, Rudd says that the Republic issue isn't high on the agenda. He then meets Brown and the Bitch and hey presto! he expects that the republic issue will take off in the next twelve months. How come?

In Australia many of the individuals involved have military backgrounds. They also have the capacity to do some world stopping things (no names, no details, no pack-drill.)

God alone knows what I've done to try to get things fixed, however others with the where with all believe that no price is too high to pay for freedom.

Rudd will use liquid paper to write President where the sovereign of a UK (that hasn't existed since 1922) is currently in "our" constitution. This will mean that the politicians are safe and Australians will still possess a colonial constitution with no enforceable Bill of Rights.


The Commonwealth of Australia’s armed forces during World War I displayed a fighting ability, courage, and endurance which made them a legend wherever they fought. All of them were volunteers. Sixty-one thousand, seven hundred and twenty of them died and ennoble the soils of France and Gallipoli. Over 155,000 of them were wounded. All carried the scars of war for life as a badge of honour.


“…By this recognition Australia became a nation, and entered into a family of nations on a footing of equality. We had earned that, or, rather, our soldiers had earned it for us. In the achievement of victory they had played their part and no nation has a better right to be represented than Australia…”


Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia, William Morris Hughes

House of Representatives 10th September 1919.

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