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A defence to Cannibis charges based on freedom of religion

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So you'all think that when laws are written up in this country, this "christian society" (the Australian burea of statistics cites Australia as a secular country. that is to say less than 3 percent profess to be believeing christians who pratcice their faith. We are not a christian country)...none the less, myth continuing...is there really some wild belief that our laws in Australia are written with the state seal of authority in one hand and a bible in the other? What a crock.


The laws are written to suit buiness, power, and control. Those who implement these laws are just as much against God (maybe more-so) than anyone I've met here.


reading isnt hard, read how the laws regarding pot got this far, why, who...you wont find any christian interference, it was all industry.


I'm assuming this whole wrong belief our system is based on the bible is a misunderstanding of what that means. In the old testiment, anything that was contentious was brought before a "judge" who had to have at least two witnesses to atest to the wrong doing under consideration. The process required evidence, and the right for you to have your say. This is opposed to say the french model where there is a panel of people who dont let you say anything and you stand accused by the authorities, and a decision is reached arbitraily; without any attention to what u have to say.

That we "inherited" our law system from the bible simply means we have the right to have our say (as Moses laid down in Exodus), to confront our accuser and the need for at least two witnesses (ever watched a crime drama and they say someone's word isnt enough to convict- without another witness to "colaborate" what's being said? That is directly fromt he bible, the law required an acusation from the mouth of two or more witneses)...It has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with the laws themselves. Only how those laws are dealt with. The laws evolved from powerful sources controlling people. take england for example. Steal a loaf of bread and you were hung or exported to Australia.



If you were all right in your claim the laws we have are fromt he bible, ..the person would be first taken to the temple and fed the best food in the land, then if it was determined the theft was based on greed, they would need to repay the price stolen 4 fold. if it was by stolen by need (hunger), the person was given a job for 7 years to find his feet again. Not in prison, which is something the bible forbades, not banished, which King herod implemented and caused a revolution becuase the Jewish people thought such punishment for theft was ungodly....they were given a job, taught a trade, and sent on their way after jubilee year. which may have been the next month, or in 7 years. He was paid for his time entirely.


Can't you see a wild difference in theway these things were dealt with? I could list hundreds of cases that can show our laws do not come straight fromt he bible, it is simpy the right to face your accuser which comes from the bible. To state your defense, question your accuser, and to hear what you have been accused of. these are good things!


As for the love and peace of buddists, who do you think handed out the speed and saki to the Kamakazi pilots and encouragd them to crash their firey bombs, the very planes they flew into ships full of human beings? yet modern society loves to play with the idea of buddists being love and peace...Just watch any old world war 2 footage of the kamakzi pilots as they prepared for their suicide trips kiling thousands of people's children..those clowns in white get ups are buddist monks.


Hypocracy isn't defined by any one religion, indeed by religion at all. You are a hypocrite, I am a hypocrite, ...hypocracy is a human trait. it's just fun to point it out to others that they suffer it, while we pretend we don't.


Still, it has nothing to do with the drug laws, and trying to appeal to the "christian" side of politics in Australia is a joke. there isn't one. The principles cited by the Radic crew are philosphical, not legal, unless you all want to live under a theocracy. That is to say, you can't have it both ways. eiher you hate christianity and want to be free of it, or you want it and will submit to it as the defining ruler of our governance. Seeing as no-one, me as much as anyone wants no part of a government run by religous zealots, I can't see how using religous ancient writings is going to move anyone. You can't say you want to ignore a syetm, and then dragthat same system up when it suits you. it's all or nothing. Can you imagine what it would be really lie to live under a government run by religion? Every model I can think of was disasterous. This line of reasoning from the bible is in the belief our government is run on christian ethics. That's just plain wrong. Look to countries that do use religion as their government model and see the wild differences.


Say we lived in Afghanistan, under the Taliban, and a law came up for discussion. they would refer to the Quran for definition, and Radic could use his islamic version of claims to appeal. And it would be entertained. But it isn't here..why not? We aren't governed by a religion, that's why. Imagine if they actually did pul the bible out and entertain radic's plea, and fromt here they decided to continue in that sense and use t for everything. . Is this what we want? Because using the bible to this end is what it seems. Not that it will get anywhere, even if it is what we want, becuase we are a SECULAR country/government. Using the bible to overturn a law in a multi-cultural country would unleash hell. Can you imagine what the Islamic people would say? The hindus, buddists, and other hundreds of religions? they'd feel threatened. Islam, They're the rabid ones against drug use. Overturning our drug laws usingthe bible would ause a war in this country


Try actually reding the bible, you wont find anything n there that will cause you to offend God by smoking pot, so if the bible is your guide, then just accpet your soverign right to smoke and do it. If it's not your guide and it's just a game you're playing, re-evaluate your stradegy, because it isn't going to work. You're appealing to people on grounds they dont recognise any more so than you.


I want the laws oveerturned as much as anyone, but I'm not so silly to believe our country is making laws with the bible as reference.


still, we all have time to kill, gotta be doing something.


have fun.



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Settle down Robbie - what I'm pointing out is that the most regulated/oppressed societies use religion to justify it and are the most religious societies often. The whole sin and punishment thing kicks in. Look at the US - what a joke of hypocrites and liars but they're highly religious hypocrites and liars so all good.


Personally, I'm not religious and couldn't give a shite about religion other than religious bastards are always judging others then tampering with their kids :freak: Fuck religion mate and fuck those who use God to justify their lies. Period.


Oh----- here's one that is interesting. The Indonesian Government are thinking of legalising MJ because particularly in places like Aceh it is part of their custom to use MJ and therefore, this Muslim country, is considering making allowances where MJ can be eaten (not smoked) as part of religious worship. Interesting hey. But here's the thing - I guarantee you that the INCB steps in with their quasi Christian bullshit and deny the Muslims their right to practice their beliefs. The INCB of course being an extension of the US Fed Government. The US Fed Government of course being a highly religious pack of wankers holding pray meets before sitting etc. The same religious wankers being responsible for the murders of over a million Iraqi civilians and not being held to account cause other religious wankers of the same ilk, like the US Fed Gov rule the world. It's damned depressing mate and it isn't about a book or a man that supposedly lived over 2000 years ago but an indictment on the nature of power and humanity at its base.

Edited by mullray
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what we are doing here is attacking breaking down the foundations of their moralistic right to incriminate we


the instagators and supporters of the drug war have mostley christians values like bush and co


it is worth a try

the more ppl learn the truth

they can only join we


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I had a brief read through it Radic but will read more thoroughly. I mean from a legal perspective it is a load of rubbish to be honest. From a spiritual perspective I like it.


Hey Robby I apologise if my religion bag seemed offensive but I think it may be true. Best not to talk religion and politics at the table :freak: I'm an atheist mate. Always will be. I've seen religion in action and I choose to be an atheist because of this. I haven't read the bible and wouldn't waste any time reading a book that is responsible for so many wars, so much suffering and so much judgement and denial. It isn't the book my friend but the dirt bags who wave it to support their cause/s. No offence mate, but that's how I feel about religion - all religions where dogma allows stupidity, ignorance and oppression to prevail.


And yes you're right about Buddhism too. Plenty of bad Buddhists. Plenty of bad Catholics. Plenty of bad Muslims. Plenty of bad atheists etc. Good comes from within - the moment we need a book to teach us the difference between right and wrong we are screwed.


If there is a god, so be it but I sure as shit don't worship nor respect him/her (whatever).

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from a legal perspective it is a load of rubbish to be honest. From a spiritual perspective I like it.


every1 says dat

hehe the judges high moral ground is erroding underneath him

rock is digging holes

let me say

he has had close to 70 cases now

so some moral challenge may help

first he

tried constitutional challenge


same as every1 elce so far


tried medicinal---> he has glicoma

shame pon the judge

how do they sleep?????


botanical classification as herb not a dangerous drug

haha chatch 22 no case as long as cannabis is prohibited


he going the sovereign rights way

the queen has used medicinal cannabis

she is a sovereign

that law does not apply to her

the judge wants provenance of rocks royal blood


the man has gutz

gota give him dat

they even locked him up over easter pluss

he is straight back in their faces the next day

they know he is not violent so dem canna justify locking up a harmless offender for pissin dem off

when dey hafe deal with real criminals most of the day they know he just doesnt compair

what they dont know is

he is not gonna stop till he wins

forward ever rock


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awwwwrrr mulleeeeeeeeeeeeee

dont give the Crazy bugger ideas

he will be at the mardigrass forwardng the enlightenment of 10,000ppl to their sovereign rights


besides encourageing those lying, greedy, thieving, corrupt pollitricksions

by voting is hippy sin

what a parradox for we poor hippies to have to vote for rock


hafe roll a big spliff now and meditate pon dis 1

hash oil rulez

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