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I feel I have the solution to all our problems with making cannabis legal, I'm completly serious about this, it's something I have thought about for a long time.


In my opinion, everyone (at least to my knowledge) that has been involved with trying to legalize or decriminalize cannabis has been approaching it from the wrong direction. Not to say that anyone's efforts were wrong or bad, just that I feel that the reason none of us (including myself as I have been involved in cannabis legalization for a long time) have been on the right track. What we need to use is reverse psychology.


Allow me to explain, who are the people that are in charge of the world, in charge of the laws, in charge of changing those laws and so on ? It is almost exclusively old, rich, white guys or some variant, but very similar version of that. These guys grew up and still exist in the era of their drugs of choice being alcohol and tobacco (and now viagra). They have zero interest in cannabis, they don't have any reason or want to legalize it or even try it and they are perfectly happy to live far into their old age and up until they die with their current drugs of choice being legal and the drugs they don't care about remaining illegal.


So where I am going with this is that we can complain, protest, have cannabis festivals, do all the legal things, appear professional, you name it, to try and get cannabis legalized and there is very very little chance it will cause these guys to change their mind.


However, and here is my idea, what if instead of trying to legalize cannabis, we seriously should say the following (but not really mean it, because remember this is reverse psychology), so anyway we basically, but more professionally say "Ok, fine, were tired of trying to change your minds about cannabis, but we don't feel that it is fair and that it is extremely hypocritical for you to keep cannabis listed as a dangerous and illegal drug based solely on your "facts and studies" that it is addictive, dangerous to your health, has no medical benefits, and is a gateway drug that can lead to harder drugs and violence, because both alcohol and tobacco fit that description as well, and thus we want both alcohol and tobacco made illegal and listed as the same classification or harder as cannabis. You are the people that make the laws and you are actually making a mockery of the legal system and your own laws by simply not making tobacco and alcohol as equally illegal as cannabis".


I feel that if we seriously, legally and in the correct and professional way pushed for this, one of two things would happen.


1. They would ignore us


2. They would listen to us and if they did so, we know without a doubt, not even for a second, would these guys want to make their drugs of choice illegal, nor would they ever be able to because of all the pressure they would get from the alcohol and tobacco companies, not to mention the general public who would not stand for it. They would have to legalize cannabis just to not appear hypocritical.


I feel that a lot of the general public who are non pot smokers but are alcohol and tobacco users, seriously believe from the goverment brainwashing that cannabis is more dangerous than alcohol or tobacco and that is why it is illegal. Rather than us constantly protesting to make cannabis illegal, we need to educate the public, the voters, the law makers and future law makers that cannabis is less harmful or lie for our own purposes by saying "as equally as harmful", so that there will be a push to criminalize alcohol and tobacco, which as I said, will never happen.

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what you are forgetting is that those same rich old white bastards own all the major media outlets in australia. if they dont want your opinions voiced over their mediums you'll end up being the crazy pot guy handing out phamplets who gets arrested every weekend for not having a permit to hand them out :)


i love your idea, but they will use the media to label you a pot smoker gone nuts because he wants to get pot legalised or have alcohol and tobacco taken away from the public. it simply will not work because they have the ability to brinwash an entire nation when all you can do is change the minds of a few :)

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I have to agree with WantDa, the conservative vote is what wins all the time - people are scared of change and only after a great length of time will the truth be wide spread enough to become a option in an argument for change.


I personally know quite a few high ranking public faces who smoke and love it. But they would NEVER admit it because it would change and effect their world right now.


In the USA there is something like 70% of voters who support medicinal marijuana, and a large number who want it to be decriminalized. But there will be no change as long as the funding for the War on Drugs remains a profitable operation for the Gov.


An undercurrent of dissatisfaction and uprising will and is building, but is a long, slow boil. Generations will change and so will their attitudes. But not until the memory has faded of all the propaganda we have been forced to swallow has been replaced with positive and truthful information that is embraced by the establishment.


It's hard to teach old dogs new tricks, especially ones that get fed well from the old tricks.


I'm not saying that any form of attempt to educate the masses is futile, just that it is a slow and unrewarding short term job. And that, does not appeal to many people.


Jimbo :)

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