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Record Drug Overdoses Sadden Me

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March 29, 2008


Record Drug Overdoses Sadden Me



Prohibition is causing too many people to die as an anonymous statistic.


We should be shocked and dismayed when the Center of Disease Control


statistics showing skyrocketing overdoses.


An excellent article by Drug War Chronicles "Drug Overdose Deaths Are


Through the Roof -- Is Anybody Watching?" made me more aware of this






Sadly we were not alarmed when 33,000 people accidentally died from

drug overdoses in

the year 2005. The third leading cause of accidental death today is

overdose, behind motor

vehicle accidents and ahead of firearm fatalities.


"The death toll is equivalent to a hundred 757s crashing and killing

everybody on board every year, but this doesn't make the news," said Dan

Bigg of the Chicago Recovery Alliance.


CDC epidemiologist Leonard Paulozzi said, "Rates are currently more than

twice what they were during the peak years of crack cocaine mortality

in the

early 1990s, and four to five times higher than the rates during the

year of

heroin mortality peak in 1975," in testimony before the House

Oversight and

Investigations Committee.


However, the people dieing aren't youth OR minorities!

Which always seems to receive all of the drug media war attention.

But, older white middle class America are abusing opiate prescription

drugs at

an alarming rate. Frighteningly the White House Office of National

Drug Control believes

overdosing adults is perfectly acceptable.


"Sometimes having an overdose, being in an emergency room, having that

contact with a health care professional is enough to make a person

snap into

the reality of the situation and snap into having someone give them



For the remainder of my Blog please go to:




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Hi Alison- hope you are feeling OK.


Yep, middle class white older people dying from prescribed drugs just don't suit the objectives of sensationalist media dribble (lies and hype) and drug deaths.


It was the same with heroin deaths in the nineties. The bulk of people dying then were Caucasian males in their late thirties - early forties but the media did massive beat ups of youth (particularly middle class young white females) dying (who represented a minute percentage of the fatalities). Sad that these idiots have no social conscience and fail to report facts that could ultimately save peoples lives.


Let's not even talk about the kiddie smack pack dribble these clowns concocted. Be afraid! Be very very afraid!!

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If you're opiate naive , 100mg of oxycontin can kill you. That's why Purdue removed the 120mg oxycontin tablets from sale. Too many people were dieing from a single dose of an experiment, which they found in their freind's medicine cabinet or such . 120mg, single tablet= dead.


I am prescribed 150 tablets of 80mg oxycontin every month. I battled to get that down for two years now, which I was on 11 tablets of oxy a day, plus 60 tablets of diluadid (hydromophone, top shelf gear) at 8mgs a throw.

I also took home 15 injections of 10mg valium each week and as much as 100 5 mg tablets of valium per week.


Enough to kill a whole army barracks of people. Week after week, month after month, year after year for ten years now.


But a gram of pot is too dangerous for me to own.


what a crok.



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Yeah mate, it'd be a lie to sday I havent reaped what I sewed kinda thing. I pushed it always, always took more, always asked for more, and I got what I deserved. So I can't say I didnt enjoy the trip "up", but it's a funny road, when the trip "up" leaves you at rock bottom. It's been a hell of a pull these last two years just to keep from slashing my wrists to get it over with. But I see light at the end of the tunnel now, I'll be free of this shit by the end of winter and I'll use pot and pot alone from then on. It stood me well for all these years and never fucked me over, so why go elswhere?


And hey, how about these fuckin pharmacutical companies anyway?

They come and visit ya GP every month or more often even. usually drop dead georgeous women with sleek look about them. They show up, give the GPS a list of what they reccomend for what symptoms presently. (hell any one of us that can read a book can dio a modern Gps job). Ok, so there are good Gpos around, and you cant faul thtem one inch, but many just follow the dots the phamr company tells them and if it's out of that context, they send you to a specialist. i know I could do that job.


But to prove it, I was seeing a new Gp, and I was cutting back hard and fast from the oxycontin. My Gp asked the pharm. rep what i could take as a pain killer to substitue frot eh oxy. What did my Gp ask me to take ? FENTANYL!! A patch u slap on ya arm that dribbles in an opiate that is 40 times stronger than heroin weight for weight, around the clock . Change the pad every 3 days,a nd stay smashed around the clock forever.

I told her that's what I was using that started my adiction, and she couldnt beleive it!


But see hwat happened? te pharmcy rep saw one of her customers was wriggling free of the opiates, so what does she reccomend? the same thing basically under a different name. Man they cant stand the thought of someone getting free. A person once said to me whoever invents a pain killer that isnt addictive will make a fortune. I disagreed. i said they would be killed by the pham. companies.



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Ah yes but don't forget the incentives the GP get from the drug companies, a little holiday a new set of golf clubs and oh yes let us load up your cupboard with samples that you can give to your patients. I do the alternative route and yes my practitioner will give me some bits and pieces and even recommend smoking some pot, and no he doesn't want to see me again unless I wont to see him, so there are alternatives around, which I believe people are now turning to. :bangin:
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Thanx for asking mullray... I feel great these days.. I'm smoking my face off! Just cut down and should be okay for a few more weeks I hope... lol


It's a real shame how big pharma can get us all hooked on their pills but want nothing to do with us when we no longer want them... lol


Thanx for all the great comments guys...


I love coming here... ;)


You guys all ROCK! :bangin:





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