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Potting mix/perlite

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At Brunning's Hardware store, in the Garden section, they sell Perlite/Ver mix, great for those don't feel comfortable going to hydro shops  :D


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

hey urbanhog, can I get good canna nutes from bunnings as well?


I'm currently using verrom potting mix which I think you recommended in another thread. But if I can change to perlite/ver mix I will, but am clueless about which nutes to use.


Do you need to use different nutes for soil as opposed to perlite/ver mix?

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Guest Urbanhog

Hey Pipeman, they sell plenty of fertizliers, but I am not sure about nutes for hydroponic systems, I don't think so, :D .


Brunnings also sell plenty of pumps (in the water garden section), pipes (also in the plumbing and water garden section), tanks, containers, practially everything, so if you want to DIY set up your own hydro if you know what you doing, but its the nutes I am not sure, you might have to order at your hydro store.


A mate I know he use 1/3 Perlite, 1/3 Verc, 1/3 Verrom compost mix/potting mix, and he didn't use much fertizlier during the plant's young stage when they are only couple of weeks old, because he reckons there's enough stuff to keep the young babies happy in the Verrom Soil Mix, and only just started using fertizliers when they reach between 2-3rd week, and just used fertilzers from his local nursery/hardware store, and he was happy with his crop he liked this way, hand watering them, because he's unemployed so he has plenty of time on his hands.


Cheers, Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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