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Potting mix/perlite

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HI fellow members,through various experimentations with various mediums(expanded clay,vermulite,perlite) and having to feed them appropriatley as they are nutrient poor mixes and need constant nutrient enrichment,Ie Reservoir,autopot,flood and drain.I have found Ed Rosenthals tried and true formula of hands on gardening works best,ie hand watering with nutrients.The mix I have found best is 50%perlite/ver and 50% potting mix in 150mm pots with drainholes that each sit in a individual saucer for water run off and additional feeds during hours unattended.
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Hey DrGreen,

have you tried cocco and a perlite mix.The cocco retains nutrients and is absolutely brillant.As long as you give your plants a wet and dry cycle they will reach their fullest potential.I noticed how much and how good it is was when growing plants in a mixture of mediums a while back.From 2 different types of clay balls, perlite, verm/perlite, and rockwool .The cocco mix won on all levels from yeild, plant maturity, stem, and root structure. It's amazing stuff and can't recommend it enough.

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Guest Urbanhog

At Brunning's Hardware store, in the Garden section, they sell Perlite/Ver mix, great for those don't feel comfortable going to hydro shops :D


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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