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The Hydrovan!


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Hey all, nice oz community you guys have got going here ;)


I wasn't too sure where the best place for this post would be, so this place will do!


Has anyone here had experience in growing large amounts of plants in a caravan? What do you think of the idea? I'm thinking of setting up around 200 SoG clones in a 24 footer, on 2 8x4' ebb & flow trays.


Space will not be a problem, I'm just going to buy a cheapo van and renovate it (i.e tear the shit out of its interior :P ) so it is simply one single large room.


Any suggestions you can think of with this one? I'm going to spend ages planning it so any help at all will be taken into consideration lol

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Hi nfo & welcome (nobody welcomed me when i arrived lol )


I had that very same idea a few years ago, but a CARAVAN is not really well insulated (especially an older style van),..and get very cold durin winter & hot in summer. This made it far too difficult for me, so i didnt worry about it. Maybe if it was well insulated you'd be ok. Also, you would of course have to make it light proof (wouldnt want a glow-in-the-dark van in your backyard ;))

Good Luck :P

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Thanks for the welcome fellas!


Wiring .. hmm noted down and I'll keep that one in mind. Wouldn't want my little buddies to burn down in the middle of their drying week, imagine the smell!


And yesssss insulation I never even thought of that! I guess I'll have to make sure I've got a pretty nifty thermostat. I'm also going to renovate the thing when I get it, so I may be able to insulate it myself. This is a small time commercial op so I am going to put in quite a bit of effort ... ta muchly for the help and friendly welcomes ;)


Any other comments?

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It is very possible to set up what your thinking just a few things that spring to my mind are


* aus gov/ army take air shots of a fair bit of our great country and do enquire into any changes they may see... heard of afoaf getting checked out because they had a truck pantec under some trees...


* the whole caravan will need to be covered inside or out with refrigeration walls to hold the heat. Carvan temps fluxuate heaps at night...


* in regards to wiring that will only be a problem if it is exposed and/or high humidity inside the caravan.. if all wires are in place before internal walls or in turn thru 1" pvc pipes cant see that being a problem...


* have seen a three walled open barn converted to a mass op that did use a carvan off to the side wall.. was only used to veg and clone thou due to heat problems...


* if your isolated enough maybe consider a generator and also move the carvan inside a shed or under a carport then semi enclose...


Hope that helps stonedas

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