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Alzheimers & Cannabis
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Alzheimer's Patients May Benefit From Cannabis-Derived Medicines
REPORTER: http://www.pressemeldinger.no/read.asp?recno=55507
LONDON, March 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Cannabis-derived medicines may one day be used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease which affects 417,000 people in the UK.
Professor Raphael Mechoulam of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, will present new findings to a group of international experts at a Cannabinoids Medicines Symposium to be held at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) in London on Monday, 10 March.
The research, still at an early stage, indicates that memory loss, the main symptom of Alzheimer's, can be slowed down significantly in mice by some of the chemicals present in cannabis. The next step will be to initiate human trials to see if the same effect can be achieved on the human brain.
MCA REPLY: Meanwhile, people (of all ages) have been taking the initiative to do their own, individual human trials (albeit ‘illegally’), for many decades now, and the statements coming back from sufferers and carers are nothing short of miraculous. However, the natural herb they benefit from is of no interest to active ingredient, chemically oriented, drug pushers, drug lords and cartels, who really want a patent to make billions of dollars for something that grows for free and can be provided for free to the sufferer.
This makes no sense to drug cartels or the Politicians sponsored by them They believe that if you want to take something that benefits you, then they must be the ones that sell it to you after they have manipulated and changed it - or, if not changed, is pure active ingredient extraction which is not needed by anyone except a money grabbing drug cartel and their servants the money grabbing Politicians and the money grabbing Police, who are paid to eradicate this vital herbal medicine in favour of drugs and drug cartels that pay their salary. Meanwhile, people are forced to suffer with the disease and the prohibition of their choice of disease control/cure.
REPORTER: The research is promising for the millions of suffers of the disease and their carers.
MCA REPLY: It would be promising if they were actually allowed it, naturally, instead of waiting for a drug lord to have supremacy over it and then deal it to them for a price, way higher than the herbal medicine would cost to start with. It is a huge multi-trillion dollar industry that rides on the backs of suffering and sufferers.
REPORTER: Alzheimer's disease is the commonest form of dementia, which affects an estimated 24.3 million people worldwide.
MCA REPLY: Ethanol drug induced dementia and pre-dementia is now fully on the rise, and CBD has been proven to protect against the neuro-toxic bombardment damage to the brain caused by the abuse of the drug ethanol and its conversion in the body to acetaldehyde.
REPORTER: It is ten years since the RPSGB launched its protocols to demonstrate the therapeutic effectiveness of cannabis.
MCA REPLY: That means that sufferers have been waiting for 10 years for something that could grow in their garden as a vegetable and medicinal herb, one they can eat, vapourise or make into a tea. It does not have to be smoked or put into an ethanol drug-based tincture. Some medical cannabis sufferers even dry it and then sprinkle it over their food as they would any other culinary herb. This would be ideal for older people, but sufferers are denied by drug cartel and Government policy that states, “Only I DEAL”.
Extract below from Vol. 95, Issue 14, 8268-8273, July 7, 1998 (http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/95/14/8268) study by Dr. Aiden Hampson, Dr. Grimaldi, Dr. Julius Axelrod, and D. Wink.
Cannabidiol and Delta 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol are Neuro protective antioxidants.
Abstract - The neuroprotective actions of cannabidiol and other cannabinoids were examined in rat cortical neuron cultures exposed to toxic levels of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Glutamate toxicity was reduced by both cannabidiol, a nonpsychoactive constituent of marijuana, and the psychotropic cannabinoid (Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabinoids protected equally well against neurotoxicity mediated by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, 2-amino-3-(4-butyl-3-hydroxyisoxazol-5-yl)propionic acid receptors, or kainate receptors. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-induced toxicity has been shown to be calcium dependent; this study demonstrates that 2-amino-3-(4-butyl-3-hydroxyisoxazol-5-yl)propionic acid/kainate receptor-type neurotoxicity is also calcium-dependent, partly mediated by voltage sensitive calcium channels. The neuroprotection observed with cannabidiol and THC was unaffected by cannabinoid receptor antagonist, indicating it to be cannabinoid receptor independent. Previous studies have shown that glutamate toxicity may be prevented by antioxidants. Cannabidiol, THC and several synthetic cannabinoids all were demonstrated to be antioxidants by cyclic voltametry. Cannabidiol and THC also were shown to prevent hydroperoxide-induced oxidative damage as well as or better than other antioxidants in a chemical (Fenton reaction) system and neuronal cultures. Cannabidiol was more protective against glutamate neurotoxicity than either ascorbate (Vit. C) or -tocopherol (Vit. E), indicating it to be a potent antioxidant. These data also suggest that the naturally occurring, nonpsychotropic cannabinoid, cannabidiol, may be a potentially useful therapeutic agent for the treatment of oxidative neurological disorders such as cerebral ischemia.
Alzheimer's Disease occurs when a protein called amyloid accumulates in the brain. The brain cells (neurons) are damaged when this protein reacts with the metals copper and iron which are abundant in the brain. This chemical reaction is similar to rusting and the affected neurons no longer transmit information properly.
Alzheimer's Disease is not a natural part of ageing. It is a degenerative disorder of the brain that causes impaired mental functions affecting memory, personality and intellect.
Currently Alzheimer's Disease is the fourth largest cause of death in Australia and affects one in four people over 85 years of age.
REPORTER: These protocols led to the Government funded UK trials that looked at the medicinal benefits of cannabis for patients with multiple sclerosis and in the treatment of severe pain. Cannabis-derived medicines have subsequently entered the market and are currently available to patients in Canada.
MCA REPLY: Why does cannabis (a minimal toxicity, nutritious herb) have to be turned into a cannabis-derived medicine. We can only see one excuse for this, and that’s the statement of it ‘entering the market’, in other words becoming a viable monetary product, instead of just a natural, beneficial herb like the Cannabis race always was and always will continue to be, no matter the genocide policy wielded against it.
When greed replaces need there’s a problem. When wealth replaces health there’s a problem. When the Dept. of Health and Aging becomes the Dept. of Wealth and Waging War, there’s a problem. When drug takers are teaching other drug takers that their drugs are all bad, while the drugs they take themselves are all good, there’s a problem.
Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, stated in his promo speech that, “We are not going to throw the Fair Go out the back window”. To this we reply, we would have to fish it out of the toilet first before throwing it out the back window. It seems that the Fair Go has become a slave that is chained to a wall of Policy, and occasionally taken out and walked around for all the public to see, before chaining it back up again.
REPORTER: Professor Tony Moffat, who is chairing the Symposium on Monday said: "We have come a long way in ten years and there is still a lot of research ground to cover.
MCA REPLY: 5,000 years of history (much of that documented), that Cannabis is a PROVEN medical marvel isn’t enough? The fact that it doesn’t kill (while every drug in the Pharmacy can kill) isn’t enough? The fact that it has a 40,000:1 LD50ratio isn’t enough? The fact that millions of people worldwide are already using it beneficially isn’t enough?
The reason there is still a lot of research ground to cover is that the War against the Cannabis Race declared No Tolerance on any positive studies. Anything released had to be negative, and any positive results were covered up.
REPORTER: There is currently considerable interest in the medical benefits of cannabis and related compounds for a range of conditions including arthritis, multiple sclerosis and neurological pain.
MCA REPLY: This would be a good thing if the interests of the people suffering from arthritis, M.S. seizure disorders and neurological pain etc. were actually put first, but the interest that Governments are interested in are the interests of the VESTED interests, who want to become the newest form of Cannabis active ingredient only, drug lords. Which is why people who are suffering from these ailments are still waiting for the drug lords to get their hands of their vital medication and allow them their human right of beneficial application of the Cannabis Race, and all parts of it, not just the extracted forms that the drug lords want to deal.
No two patients are the same, different strains for different pains, so to speak. A pure Sativa has little to no CBD, Indicas have a balance of both, and Ruderalis is very high in CBD and very low in THC. What they are messing around with, we already have and already respect. Drug Lords do not respect their drugs, and Therapeutic Greed Associations do not really care about how dangerous a drug can be, or about how many studies have been covered up. Medicine is now an Industry, which puts the patient last and the wallet first.
REPORTER: Although recent press coverage has focused on the abuses associated with the plant…….
MCA REPLY: Aside from the occasional blue moon statement about beneficial application of cannabis, (usually active ingredients dealt by a Pharmaceutical drug cartel, funnily enough), all press coverage looks at nothing but ‘crash cases’ and abusers. This is their mandate. There’s no news in respectful drug taking. They can’t wield their headlines and their abusive opinions if they write about people who respect their drug of choice. Proven. Politicians and drug bodies are exactly the same. They only talk to abusers. They do not even understand, or seek to understand (with some exceptions as there are some working in these fields who actually care about the sufferer instead of just the ratings, the political point scoring and the revenue raised), people who respect Cannabis as their medicine, recreation or spiritual sacrament.
REPORTER: ……cannabis-derived medications may offer novel opportunities in drug discovery."
MCA REPLY: Drug discovery when it comes to Scientists supposedly ‘discovering’ things that sufferers have known and have been stating for years, is like someone stating in 2008, “Guess what! I’ve just discovered the earth is round!”, to which we reply, ‘No shit, Sherlock. You would have discovered it decades ago if you had actually discussed it with people who are on the front line of the medical cannabis issue, and that is the sufferers themselves. They KNOW it works, which is why they state, (to paraphrase an acetaminophen drug cartel), “Cannabis - it’s MY Choice”. They are not saying, “Pure THC is my chice”, “Pure CBD is my Choice”, “Pure active ingredient anything is my choice”, they are stating, “Medical Cannabis it’s MY Choice“.
This choice seems to be left out of the Government and the Police etc’s statements and programmes of, “Your choice”, and “Remember the power of choice”. It most certainly was left out of this statement by our P.M. Mr. Kevin Rudd, “Australians should no be kow-towing to anybody (which includes drug cartels and the vested interests sponsored by them) when it comes to freedom in this country”. Freedom means Free Dominion, and to steal a sufferer’s inalienable human rights of free dominion when it comes to anything they choose that improves their quality of life, and benefits them the individual, is nothing but an act of enslavement and forced slavery.
One of Prime Minister Rudd’s other recent statements was, “We are there to extend a helping hand to those in need”. Well, Mr. Rudd, to coin one of Australia’s rock bands, Screaming Jets, “Won’t someone please understand. Won’t someone lend (us) a helping hand?” It is usually the ones who are persecuted, ridiculed and put down that are the ones who actually offer the helping hand to others. A good analogy of this is the story of The Good Samaritan.
A man was beaten and left bloodied and bruised on the road, and nobody stopped to help him - not the rich, not the clergy, not the know it alls, it was a Samaritan, who himself was looked down upon, reviled as ‘lesser,’ or if we want to wield the Government’s Cannabis culture bashing terms, “Dickheads, Losers and Unemployed, useless scum”. (Howard Government era statements…but all Governments bash Cannabis culture and protect and advocate their own drug culture and the cartels involved.
The difference between a drug cartel collective and Mother Nature, is that Mother Nature doesn’t want your money, just your respect. Something to think about.
Last, but not least, two statements:
1) “Compassion is not a dirty word….It’s time we rehabilitated compassion into the National Political vocabulary of this great nation of ours”. Prime Minister, Mr. Kevin Rudd.
2) “The last nine years have shown us what it is like, we have experienced first hand what it is like, to have a Government that is openly hostile to human rights. In the past, Australians have felt - with some good reason - that fundamental rights were so embedded in the Australian way of life, that they did not need specific protection. Our Politicians could be trusted not to go too far”. Nicola Roxon, M.P.
The question remains though……How can we trust any Government, including Nicola Roxon’s, that is openly hostile to human rights, choices, beliefs, freedoms and culture?
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