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The Drug War vs. My Utopia

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Hi everyone... lol


Sorry for not posting for a while, but I've been back up on over 25 pills a day again - in a matter of WEEKS!


It's been another rough go this time around but my grow should be ready in about three and a half weeks. :/


I just received almost thirty cannabis chocolates from a compassionate grower in Canada today AND a THOUSAND more cannabis capsules from ANOTHER big grower!!! There are some incredible people in the world, that's for sure. lol


I tell you as a legal cannabis patient in Canada I have NEVER had such a HARD time filling my "smokeable" prescription!


THIS is why I am so vocal all over the World. lol


Please help out a medical cannabis patient in need in YOUR Country today.


You'd be doing humanity a very valuable service.... :sdj:


Thank you as always to those who pass on my Blogs.


Always appreciated! :sdj:


Love and stuff,









LEAP Blog March 11, 2008


The Drug War vs. My Utopia



My Blog this week, is another sad example of the casualties in the

Drug War, plus a bird`s eye view of my Utopia.


The very reasons below are why I do what I do. This insanity MUST end!


What would the U.S. be like if drugs WERE actually legalized and

regulated I wonder?


The following wouldn't happen in MY perfect World as the public can be

heard asking "Why did we wait so long?"


A man recently released from prison on drug related charges, killed

six people in his family, including his brother and two of his

brother's children and critically wounds three of his brother's other

children. What the hell was going ON here???


Brother charged with killing 6 in Tennessee




Things are supposed to be getting better in our communities and our

Country according to this report below:


US IA: "Task War Focus is Drugs"




According to this article, 32 people were either awaiting their time

in Court or were being "actively investigated" from January 2008. It

is now March 2008. Thirty two people in ninety days. That's more than

one person every three days. In one County, one State, not even one

full Continent. Just for drugs. These statistics CAN'T be real…. That

was 'better' because Police were arresting and incarcerating so many

"Guilty" people. We were all concerned about that. Jailing GUILTY




For the remainder of my Blog, please go to:




Love and a squish,





Edited by Alison Myrden
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