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INCB at it again!

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Report Criticizes Governments Over Consumption of Coca Leaf

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


In a culturally insensitive and irrational move, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) has called for the governments of Bolivia and Peru to abolish all uses of the coca leaf, including coca leaf chewing.


In its 2007 annual report, the INCB asks Bolivia and Peru to make possessing and using coca leaf criminal offenses--a move that would affect millions of people in the Andes and Amazon, according to the Transnational Institute (TNI), a group that studies drugs and conflict in the region.


Coca leaf is widely consumed in both countries, both as a part of daily life and in indigenous religious ceremonies. The leaves have a mild stimulant effect similar to coffee.


Despite the leaves' mild effect, the United Nations (UN) classifies them in the same category--Schedule I--as cocaine and heroin. This designation was made in 1961 based on a flawed study described by Martin Jelsma, coordinator of the drugs program at TNI, as "inspired by colonial and racist sentiments rather than science."


The INCB is a UN monitoring body that oversees the implementation of the UN drug control conventions.

Edited by Pam
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Guest niall

There's increasing talk that many South American nations, and Canada, might pull out of the UN Narcotics treaties in the coming years.


The INCB are managing to piss off everyone with this recent power grab - it is completely within the rights of sovereign nations to make many drugs available for legal, legitimate purposes. Both medical and scientific use is allowed, and all provisions are subject to the nation's constitution. The INCB are trying to scare nations into not exercising their existing options under the treaties, but they only seem to be alienating their intended audience.


Yay! :-)

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Good post niall.


Nations should be about protecting their sovereignty. For mine, countries like Australia are bound by to many stupid treaties.


To hell with the INCB, WHO and the rest of them.

All of these outfits only have an opinion that is no more worthy than the opinion of anyone who belongs to this site.

In fact our opinions are based on life experiences which is more than those who preach to us can claim.

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To hell with the INCB, WHO and the rest of them.


Yep, and add WADA to that group for banning athletes who use pot outside of their chosen sport. Performance enhancing my arse.


What fucking business is it of some UN authority if some native Bolivians chew on some leaves to give them a bit of energy and well being.

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Didn't the Bolivian President tell the US to back off??? I think he is pro peasant farmer and endorses Bolivians growing Coca.


The sooner people wake up and realise the UN are a in bed with the US Federal Government, the better. The UN should be investigated for collusion and cooperation.

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First my gums rot and then I go to hell :(


I reckon anyone simple enough to listen to the Vatican probably shouldn't be using drugs anyhow lol

...leaving more drugs for those of us with minds ;)


As for the UN, well I've had no faith in that farce of an organisation ever since they failed to prevent the illegal invasion of Iraq. B)

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On the upside they did list pedophilia as a deadly sin, perhaps indicating that the Catholic Church are feeling a bit guilty about things. At least we know we'll be able to go to confession when we get to hell - plenty of Priests ought to be there.


The best one is they've listed pollution (polluting the world) and capital greed (leading to poverty in the third world) as a deadly sin. That's odd seeing as how they've banned the use of contraception and over population is the key to pollution and poverty. :(


The pope and Antonio Maria Costa must be in bed with each other :peace:

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