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What has caused the hard attitude to MJ in Oz?

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Yep, a herb. Like bannanas :wub:.


I was always under the impression grass' cloest "relative" botanically speaking is hops, and hence a nettle of some kind. I don't know how true that is, you hear a lot of stuff throughout ya life. Some of it's even true lol

I man I even heard a number of years ago "they" were working on genetically devloping other plants to be THC rich. the rumor was like we'd all sit around eating apples that were high in THC, things like thatr. Of course it was great for the imagination. Fantasies of growing orchids of dope that the cops couldn't identify.


But really, there's more to pot than just THC isn't there? I mean there's CBD or CBn, Cnn, ABC and xyz..Who knows what else there is in pot that comes together to make it what it is, I don't know if the rumor included all the make up that you'd find in a dope plant, or if it was just gonna be THC...but the rumor came and went andnothing was ever come of it of course. but then genetically modified crops started to become more sophisticated, to the point now where they can put the genes of all kinds of living things into plants, genes that don't even belong to the plant world, such as animal genes in plants...maybe who-ever started the rumor had early concepts of what we now have in that way and just let their imagination go.


but still, the idea of seed banks selling seeds that grow into carrots, or lettuce say...imagine the pictures compatred to what we view today .


No more "berry" flavour when you cough. just staight up berrie, genetically modified with the gene of a haze plant split into it.

Sitting around chewing on berries all day lol.


that's enough from me hey.



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funny u should say rob


bannana is a grass like bambo and wheat

so next time someone says ---->keep off the grass

you can say---> use herbs instead


yo i was one a dem dreamerz


hope the find a safe way

cause the problems with geenitic engeneering by are nightmare stuff

what if dupont developed a strain of soya or wheat that has a restance to inscet pests

soundz kool but that means the wheat or soya can produce it own pestacide

now if that geen some how melignates into our stomicks

we could produce the same pestacide inside our own boddies

and poision our selves and our unborn children


that is exactly what dupont is selling to farmers right now---> pestaside resistant strains


i man am still a dreamer tho

there has gota be a safer way

cause i just love berries

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Now THIS is something I can agree with 110%!! Theyhave indeed put poison into plants to protect them from the inside against the insects they suffer. The great bonus we were told of this technology is that they wouldn't have to spray cotton with so much aerial spray, making it safe to live around the feilds again .Although funny isn't it. te cotton association uses this as a pushing point, while at the very same time declares there is no danger to live around cotton feilds. Sounds like Tabbacco industry logic.

Anyway, sounds amazing and no way could any extremist tree hugging hippy have a problem with such a break through. But wait. The cotton trash is used after harvest for more than just making cotton. The trash decomposes into the ground, making whatever grows there next take the poision up into the plant readily every time it rains, and if it happens to be something eaten by humans, well then we get to eat the poison. And it isn't like the posions that e're already exposed to, which as deadly as they are, have been designed to break down at some stage for human consumption. This isn't going to be eaten by humans so isnt subject to such testing, and even if it was, it wouldn't work if it broke down to an inert matter with age, because it wouldn't work in the plant.


yet that still isn't the real danger. Cotton seed, that is the trash left after the harvesters remove the cotton from the head , is sold as cattle feed. it's very high in protein, and already has caused masses of our meat products to be rejected by overseas markets, due to the meat, high in poison from eating insecticide rich foods like cotton seed. This can only make the already unacceptably high levels of poison we already eat in this country even higher.


We don't throw away meat rejected on the open market, it's sold locally on the domestic maket! we have higher levels of officially safe poison levels that say USa and Japan does. We have "safe meat" in Ausral;ia, meaning we have no Rabies, or any other of the hundreds of seriously deadly viral diseases that make out meat a desired product all over the world. but we are known for having the highest pesticie lvles in our meat than anyone else too, which is bring ing down the country;'s reputation. That's too bad, but what's even worse, is when was the last time you were told about the unaccepablyhigh levels of poinson in your meat?


To create plant species now that have insect poison spliced into them genetically lifts thehair (what little I have left) right off the top of my head.


It's incredible how much we're lied to. Like "mad cow disease", caused by feeding browsing animals on blood and meat products such as meat meal to get super high protein levels into them, fattening them for market quicker, cheaper and heavier than ever. Browsing animals aren't supposed to eat meat, and so begins a deadly game. That's ok we're all told, we don't do that in Australia, so you are safe with our meat.


don't believe it, . I worked in feed lots, and in cattle in general for some years, and one of the most common conversations amongst feed lot workers when they come together periodically is how high a level of meat meal have you got your cattle on? the goal BTW is 100%! I know one guy who claimed he had convinced his caattle to eat meat meal at 100%, although I have no evidence, it's believed he was doing it.

the idea is to atarve the cattle for a time before u feedlot them. then you can go two ways. Either gradually increase from tiny amounts of blood and meat meal in their mixed high protein food (to begin with), to more and more meat meal until you reach a point the cattle will prefer to go hungry than eat it. or others use th emethod of hanging up bags made from hessian, which once contained meat meal, and they lace it with mollassses. usuallyover their drinking troughs. They do this so that they have to brush the bags aside withtheir snout to access the water. if they do this from a young age, say poddy calf, then by the time they are feed lot age 9between 2 and 5 years old), they'lle at he meat meal. this is themthod one farmer I knew who claimed to get them to eat straight meat meal had used.


So when the "industry" tells you .."trust us, we wont do anything that would hurt you for higher profits. I mean we're not monsters and liars..."don't believe a word of it.


Fish genes in wheat! So they can sell you bread that is high in omega 3. What a crock. Just eat some fuckin fish. Who knows what deadly mix doing that could create, and if you dont think so, there wasa time no-one thought meat meal to cows would hurt anyone too.


there's reasons why nature has rules.






funny u should say rob


bannana is a grass like bambo and wheat

so next time someone says ---->keep off the grass

you can say---> use herbs instead


yo i was one a dem dreamerz


hope the find a safe way

cause the problems with geenitic engeneering by are nightmare stuff

what if dupont developed a strain of soya or wheat that has a restance to inscet pests

soundz kool but that means the wheat or soya can produce it own pestacide

now if that geen some how melignates into our stomicks

we could produce the same pestacide inside our own boddies

and poision our selves and our unborn children


that is exactly what dupont is selling to farmers right now---> pestaside resistant strains


i man am still a dreamer tho

there has gota be a safer way

cause i just love berries

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So when the "industry" tells you .."trust us, we wont do anything that would hurt you for higher profits. I mean we're not monsters and liars..."don't believe a word of it.



there's reasons why nature has rules.





I don't believe anything big business says these days, every thing they do is profit motivated. The logical solution re omega3 is just as you say:

Just eat some fuckin fish :wub:

Too easy isn't it.


I reckon we need to get back to basics and people need to learn how to grow their own veg's etc rather than feeding these big profiteers.

Eventually the oil economy has to collapse which will result in only self sufficient people coping. Anarchy will be in our futures or the futures of our kids.

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I don't think whatyou say can be argued against LArfin1. Imean I'd lik to look at the examples of stability around the place and feel content, but look at what's happened in thelast 50 years.


I was watching that movie by the ex president who was robbed of his election (sorry got amind blank), "an inconvenient truth", and if you completely dis-regard EVERYTHING ha says, but just one, and that is the population growth, what can we do in th enext 20 years onward?


it looks far more dramatic on a graph of course, but it took like 2000 generations for our population to reach 2 billion, which happened in the 50s or more like the 60s I think. It doubled in a generation and is now at 9 billion!!!

From virtually nothing to 2 billion in the history of the earth, and now more than trippled in three generations or less. Well depends what u calla "generation". In one sense of the word, it hasn't been even ONE. Look at thiose born in the 50s and 60s. In their life time , the earth pop growth has trippled! We can do nothing more except see a similar thing shappen again, only because it's exponential, I dread to even think what the population will be in 20 years.


How can we feed everyoe? The yanks I'm sure are prpearing for mass control of poverty and public dissent at no pay, no health, no food.


I mean this one problem alone has me convinced we're looking at dire shit very soon.


sorry for thenego stuff, but it's kind of in our faces.


one thng for sure. The system will want more prisoners , arrested for anything, to make good slaves to run failing economies. Lok at what happened in Emgland. They ran out of prison space until they put priosners on old ships in the Thames river. They exported people for stealing simple things we throw away, to Australia. Some of the bestarcitecture int his country was done by convicts, that gives some idea how anarchy had hit England. Arcitects stealing to survive?

Of course, you could be jailed then for failing to pay a debt.


But USA is int he same boat. They've got the largest prison system in the world, but they've run pout of space to keep them. now they have erected electrified fences that will fry ya if u touch them, and simply stocked the space in between with army tents. Huge tent cities in 50 degree waste land heat, because they have nowhere left to put them.


But they're indispensible to the sytem, and they've lost control of most of these prisons. they can keep them locked in, but that's about it. What goes on int here is basicaly minutre examples of what we may all face in our lives.


It's horrible.



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The silence in reply to your question is more disturbing than what inspired it I think.


A doco on the history channel tonight or tommorow about what the world "will" look like a few hundred years after humans have gone makes ya think how far conjecture has shifted form "will we eniallate ourselves" to "when" we do this.


I've seen some people project there vew as "keep ya weapons close", I dunno. maybe. I think we just have to make the most of each day and what is out of our control is simply that. I do believe we should keep ourselves informed, just incase we can protect ourselves , politically speaking, but if we stress on it too much we'll loose heart, get bad nerves..Not just politically speaking I suppose. if we're well enough informed, and can afford to do so, we can avoid certain foods that are dangerous to us if we are informed well enough, and all kinda of things in that sense..But even ancient civilaisations had to beware of poisons things they could acidently ingest, so maybe approach it in the same sense.


Every day is worth a fortune in so much as the twins you just had. if you worry so much for their future, you loose sight of the joy they bring now, then the future has already overtaken us. If you worry too much about what will happen (and I have to teach myself this all the time), it will likely rub off on the kids, and rob them of the joy they should have today.


Maybe the future is worse than we can imagine, but I fear we can't do much to change it. Every one of us has to confront mortality one day, in some shape or form. I think we have to embrace the day. It's not easy for me, i'm a worrier by nature. But I do think that's what I should try for.



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