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What has caused the hard attitude to MJ in Oz?

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Peacegrow-I havent even looked at your links yet,. I will though for sure.


I just wanted to say that

is a very well stated way of putting it.

Hope you don't get offended when I plagerise you on it from time to time.





Haha feel free. There is a guy on youtube with the user name theduderinok.



He has uploads heaps of radio interveiws from Coast to Coast. Very intelligent discussion about what isn't shown in the mainstream media.


Perhaps look into the disclosure project headed buy Steven Greer. I guess you can say he is somewhat an ambassador.

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ok seedy

show me dis killer weed

where is it????????

i want to know bout it

tell i



i have seen cannabis classified as a annual herb in many old botanical referance books

i am not up with the latest findings in this area cause i believe the original is true

marijuanna botany by robert connell clarke states

cannabis is a tall erect annual herb

what is cannabis classified as then?????

my dad is a retired herblist and he has a wall full of old refferance books

when i started smoking in 68 he did a lot of investagation into the herb Cannabis to find anyting negitive to stop me

but he couldnt

infact he joined me

then taught me how to make cannabis tincture (which is in a alcohol base and is a tonic.)

and cannabis ointment

which he still grows and makes to share with his elder friends for their ailments


gotta love dat

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Radic, it's a joke, lighten up. man, you been smoking since '68, and you never heard good grass called "killer weed"? Of course THC hasnt ever killed anyone and one of the most annoying things I know of is someone preaching the obvious. We all know grass hasnt killed anyone, we all proclaim it, even depend on it at times :blink:... I'm just glad I didn't ell you that grass can blow ya tits off, that would have really buggered you up...


As for grass being a herb, well bannanas are often called fruit, but in fact are herbs. tomaotes get called vegetables but of course are a fruit. What's pot? Well a fruit is something that produces an edible portion that contains the seeds within it (or a dancing queen in Sydney). Herbs are a plant that divides from the roots or seed in a head that serves NO OTHER PURPOSE than to create seeds, and of course, vegetables are the edible outcome of a plant, that produces seeds externally. This from memory is the basic criteria on classifying the three plant groups into fruit, vegetable and herbal...you being the son of a botanist ought to know this radic.


It's such a bloody boreing arguement. It depends on how you consider the head of the plant. if you grow pot for rope, you'd call it a herb, as it's seed head has no other purpose than to produce seeds and is unusable for anything but that. if you eat the heads, you might call it a fruit, as the heads are eaten and the seeds are definately contained in the edible portion, if you eat the stems, you might want to call it a vegeatble, as the plant produces the seeds on a stalk at te top of the edible portion of your food..


I think herb is the cloest thing in my mind, only because it doesnt fit snuggly into "fruit" or veggie", but seeing as the head isn't useless for anything but seed(these days of course the vast majority of grass head contains NO SEED, so how that's a "herb " buggers me. defintely more like a fruit in that sense), I find it hard to call it a herb without flinching just a bit. The whole subject is arbitrary and depends on how you use or view the plant's use.



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irey seedy


sorrie rob

i man totally miss dat 1

no disrespect intent


i man just wanna try yah killa weed


yo pack ya best killa weed fe mardigrass

and i man will dig up some a me murdera madness

for yah

we'll trade toke 4 toke

strictly ital

gotta love dat


skunk by anyother name

still smells the same


kush kush kush

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They reckon a Welsh guy died from cannabis OD but it's probably a lot of bull. He was also a serious alcoholic but they did find some pretty extreme levels of THC in his system...


Hey, the Australian guy in Thailand who had condoms full of hash in his colon died. It was in the news today. He probably died from Thai surgery more than anything else the poor bugger. RIP


Herb, drug, fruit - it's all good fun.

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Condoms full of hash in his belly from Thailand? Hell, maybe he died from a twisted bowel, had that once myself, easily fatal, and a terrible way to go without a doubt


I had an oz. of hash given to me for my 21st. birthday from a couple mates back from surfing in sth east asia. It was the darkest heaviest hash i ever smoked and joked all the way through the oz to the guys who gave it to me that it was thick as shit. Not until I had inished it all did they tell me how they brought it home...yuck...



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Probably Rob. The Thai hospitals can be pretty bad and where he was is a small place (Surathani) so the surgeons wouldn't have been too highly trained no doubt.


Had he been in an Australian hospital I would bet he would have lived.


I think too, that mj is only a drug by social classification - I wasn't trying to argue botanical things. I guess one way of looking at it is it is a herb or fruit until you ingest it and it changes your state of thinking, at which point it becomes a drug.

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i believe hashish and hash oil to be too consintrated for the body to digest

sure he would hav got well wasted to the piont of uncontrolable sleep


i think he would have passed most of the hashish striaght tru

unless there is an obstruction actually blocking the bowl there is no need for sergery

a stomich pump and some lubracant to help pass the rest tru the bowls quick would have been sufficient


then they could have shot him

soooooooooo dats how cannabis kills

i read about a famer who was crushed to death after someone dumped 1ton a cannabis top of him

but that was a low thc hemp farmer

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i have seen cannabis classified as a annual herb in many old botanical referance books

i am not up with the latest findings in this area cause i believe the original is true

marijuanna botany by robert connell clarke states

what is cannabis classified as then?????

my dad is a retired herblist and he has a wall full of old refferance books

when i started smoking in 68 he did a lot of investagation into the herb Cannabis to find anyting negitive to stop me

but he couldnt infact he joined me then taught me how to make cannabis tincture (which is in a alcohol base and is a tonic.)

and cannabis ointment which he still grows and makes to share with his elder friends for their ailments


gotta love dat



:sleepyhead: Hi guys my first posting


Cannabis is Listed as a Herbal Substance in Approved Terminology for Medicines (July 1999) published by the Commonwealth Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA <http://www.tga.gov.au/docs/pdf/aan/aan.pdf>


Marijuana (common name) cannabis (species cannabis sativa)


See Chapter 1, Section 3.4 - Herbal Substances Common Name Index. <http://www.tga.gov.au/docs/pdf/aan/aanherb4.pdf>


Hemp - p 359

Indian Hemp - p 360

Marihuana - p 365

Marijuana - p 365

Opium poppy – p 368


Regulation 2 of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations (Cth) states:


“herbal substance” means-


all or part of a plant or substance (other than a pure chemical or a substance of bacterial origin):


(a) that is obtained only by drying, crushing, distilling, extracting, expressing, comminuting, mixing with an inert diluent substance or another herbal substance or mixing with water, ethanol, glycerol or aqueous ethanol; and


(:thumbsup: that is not subjected to any other treatment or process other than a treatment or process that is necessary for its presentation in a pharmaceutical form



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