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What has caused the hard attitude to MJ in Oz?

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yeah my wife's nephew told me he saw them in the herbal high shop a couple weeks ago. he's into all those new legal trips. Well no way new, but new game. this is what prohibition does. I'm not kno9cking trips totally either, but just as a dad, I'd rather know my own son was smoking and not much else. Smoke has so outpriced kids in B=ris, many are doing all manner or things to get high and mssing out almost completely on pot. Sad.


And the title of this thread, implying times have got harder for smokers..And I knwo politically it has, but I just remmebered sitting in the pink pub at Yarraman in 1994 or so, and the bar Telivision was running the news, showing some guys being arrested in Blackbutt or somewhere with a big crop. The old drunks started withtheir routine of "bloody druggies", when one says "they out to hang one or two of them just as an example. That'll stop them rest of them bastards". I was working in a cattle yard at the time and so fit right in withthem, and honestly the longer they went on with it, the more serious they got; to the point they genuinely thought executing one or three of us would be the right thing to do regarding marijauan prohibition and what we represent.


I was looking deep in the bottom of my galss of beer trying to be like Hunter Thomson when he was circled by red necks in the bike race. lol I was frightened tehy'd pick me out and take me out back and hang me right there and then. Lantana scratched all over me too :peace:. I thought one might say ...look there's one, galloping case of the paranoias..lol I copped that in wet Wylong! I just remeber theat!!


I was onmy way to Mildura, on a greyhound when I was 17years old, maybe 16. from brisbane. 20 odd hours on a greyhoud fuckin bus! Should have hitched. Anyway, so if I was 16 or so, and I'm 44, I guess that was 27, 28 years ago now. The bus stopped at west wyong for a dinner stop and we all went into the only open shop..the public bar. Hot as hell January, dustin the air, real harsh day. Went into public bar ans asked for rum, and got laught\ed at. Got beer instead, when this old prick staggers at m,e and tosses his beer at me..."there's the bstard now" he's shouting. the news had just run there then too, and some boys growing apatch (griffoth to Mildura was all dope then) got pinched, and one hit the lamb and got away. They said they were looking for him. I had long hair, a lumber jacket(na, it was hot, would have just been the black T shirt then) and jeans old (old boys unifrom :))...and this is what i was attacked for in the pub in west wylong nearly 30 years ago. Still, the whole rest of thebar appologised for him, it's not like the whole bar was like that old fart. They actually explained whathad him wound up. I just wanted to get out of town before a cop made the same mistake. you think cops are hard now? man it was jumpy around them back then..


gee we've had some stupic bastards in this country.


They were serious. But hey it was a great country to knock around soned them too in many other ways. Things weren't so serious in sso many ways..




ps. Didnt mean for that to sound like some park bench conversation at the retirment home :/. Sorry 'bout that.

hey, a retirement home for stoners? What a winner..we could make a forunte on this. A place for old stoners to hang out and talk about the days when they were growing this and that, survived this raid, or esczped that bust...the whole retiement hiome, all stoners. then there's be like the coolest old stoner in the corber full of wisodm on growing the best ganja, who never got a record. evaded police by mental projection..


I better give up.


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I don't think pot is as harmless as ppl in this forum like to believe, and at the same time i don't believe it's as bad as the 'experts' and media try to say. It's somewhere inbetween. I've had friends flip out from smokeing it 7days a week, yr after yr. Going into a kind of paranoid psychosis. That doesn't mean i jump on the bandwagon of the dark side. I guess it's like any other moderate drug. Take alcohol for instance. Some ppl can drink it and have a good time, some drink it and get violent. Some end up having to drink it every day and that inevitably leads to all sorts of problems. The problem with the 'dark side', is that they look at the extreme negatives and those worst affected by pot, and blast that over the airwaves and in the newspapers as the absoulte truth of pot and it's effects, and then the ignorant swollow it up. It's not totally honest. Either is saying its a totally harmless drug. I personally think it boils down to personal responsibility. The government needs to stop acting like it's our parents. If you're one of those ppl that pot causes problems in you life, stop fkn smoking it. Simple. Same goes for grog. Doesn't mean we go out and shut all the bottle shops up and spoil ppls night outs on the town because a minority of ppl have a problem with it. The government should put resourses into helping those that have a hard time with these things, and leave the rest of us alone as free willed human beings.
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I agree with Bent Buddha here. No drug is harmless. I've seen friends lose it because they smoked too much - I've seen lives come aprt because of it. For me, its never caused any problems (other than going to bloody prison for it) but that doesn't apply to everyone. I think it is important to moderate views when it comes to discussing drugs. There is good and bad with everything.
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poison in the hands of the wise can be medicine

and yet in foolish hands medicine can be poison


thats why dema call it wisdom weed


1 good ting to rejoice in

thc has never killed anyone

any where

any time


rejoice rejoice



heklers i hear you

come on then

i changlange you to

prove me wrong

if you do

you will be famous

a household name

it will make intrenational news headlines


for me, Cannabis is not a drug at all

cannabis is a herb

so i can support dat statment dat

no drug is harmless

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Maby people wake up to the reality of the world and they just cant take it.


The space projects



Nature of reality (Terrence Mckenna)



The bad guys





I don't go round believing anything i come across, i like to be informed and knowledgeable. This dosnt stop uninformed people from thinking I'm crazy when i don't believe there madness.

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Peacegrow-I havent even looked at your links yet,. I will though for sure.


I just wanted to say that

I don't go round believing anything i come across, i like to be informed and knowledgeable. This dosnt stop uninformed people from thinking I'm crazy when i don't believe there madness.

is a very well stated way of putting it.

Hope you don't get offended when I plagerise you on it from time to time.




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Radic, that is like saying alcohol is a tonic. It's a simple case of splitting hairs and arguing wordage and definitions. Basil is a herb but as for mj, it isn't even classed botanically as a herb. Society deems it to be a drug as alcohol and as coffee.

Maybe if more people treated alcohol as a tonic and weed as herb, we'd all be a lot better off :blink:

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