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Doctors group backs medical marijuana

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I agree with Niall, in that I'd like to see Cannabis grown legally as opium is, even if they continue the mad prohibition.

Because I know the danger cotton creates, cancer clusters are very high around cotton growing areas. Cotton drinks too much water. As a paper, it would save endless tracts of hardwood, which is used to help strengthen paper made from pine. I'd like to buy hemp clothing at reasonable prices. Environemntal and health benifits would flow from level headed use of it even as a plain ol "hemp". In that way I agree.

But I worry like pipeman does.

I have a pre-wrangled defense I've almost rehersed in my mind if I ever (goodness forbid) be busted. I want to use the angle that I can't access cannabis any other way than grow it, and I've tried the opium route to my detrement. So if there's a Cannabis "pill" , lotion or whatever available,I have no recourse, andyep, all the while, the chemists get rich.


BTW, opium has lots of active goodies in it. No "wonder plant" like pot, but it is loaded with interesting goodies.




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I know the reasons ffs. My point is that after canna products are made legally available the decriminalisation of personal cultivation will be harder to achieve, and perhaps more strictly enforced now that corporate revenue and taxes are at stake.


Well now you're changing your story. What you wrote above, asking what reason exists, was in the context of pharmaceuticalised cannabis/extracts from the chemist vs. using whole-plant cannabis. You talked about personal cultivation later on, so as pedantic as I am I'm sure you can understand why I wrote what I did, that I'm simply responding to the points that you've raised, in order. At that point, we were talking about whole-plant vs. chemist bought - not personal cultivation. FFS.


"law reform" to make canna products legal will not do anything except create yet another revenue stream from the poor to the rich.


No law needs to be changed, cannabis MUST be made available for medical use by signatories to the UN treaties. It falls under the same regulatory model as opium does now - it can be grown right now, legally, there are a few simple obligations that the Australian government would have to follow that's all.


As to your speculation on inevitable side-effects of a regulated market, you've basically described the entire economy. Money exchanges hands for goods and services. They are revenue streams. Poor people buy them, just as rich people do. If you think that there is something inherently evil about exchanging money for goods, about generating revenue streams based on fair compensation at market value... then I suggest you drop out of society.


If you think a legal cannabis market would be an unfair monopoly, and that consumers would be worse off, then do something about it. Suggest a better model at the very least, or when the times comes get into the market yourself and supply a better product for a better price than your competitors.


At no point did I suggest we not allow personal cultivation, I've maintained this opinion for years - I believe it should be based on similar lines to homebrew beer (and spirits in NZ).


Our shared fear of a *continued* ban on personal cultivation really has nothing at all to do with making cannabis medicines available to those who need it, in whatever form is most appropriate to the patient. Nor can you discount the viability of a legal market simply on the possibility that personal cultivation might not be allowed, it's all hypothetical.

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