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Listen to cops 911 i'm dying of an MJ OD call

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Has anyone seen the video of some bbc reporter in a south american country think it was Colombia and hes standing there getting stoned while hes reporting and can't finish the report has several goes but ends up going back to the hotel. :peace: funny stuff. i think i might have it some where ill check and if i have ill post it ok
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Yeah I have that reporter video saved to the hard drive, but I don't know where it is on the net, or else I'd link it.


I know it's great fun to take the piss out of the cops and that, but eating a shitload of pot can blow ya mind. My wife has smoked grass just as long as I have, we grew up together and I know her history. When we were in our twenties, so that's at least ten years solid smoking, and about 2 years into a run of eating pot only, she overdoses herself and I came home to her in a mess.


I took off one arvo to water a crop in the bush, and was only away for a couple hours. While I was away she was cooking our week's supply of bikkies, but she was constantly picking at the crumbs and little bits. She reckoned she didn't have much but when I came home the kids told me she was"sick" in bed.


I spent the next few hours convincing her going to hospital would only make the whole trip worse, then she'd go into fits of laughing, saying how stupid she'd been, then she was convinced she was dieing again...I mean totally convinced. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry for her. At least she never went so faqr as to say she had already died :peace:.


Outside of that one episode, she'd be the first to explain to you, dieing from grass can't be done. But somewhere in all those crumbs she lost sight of that :peace:.



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