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Soil n Nutes Q

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Hello again peoples,


Im wondering if anyone has any experience with using Scotts Osmocote multi purpose potting mix? ( with perlite of course)


A friend is thinking of using some but isent sure if its the way to go because it has "controlled release plant food" and says theres no need to feed for upto 4 months..but it doesent say which nutes are actually in there,so hes confused on when n if he should feed his girls.


What kind of soil do other soil growers prefare to use? someting with food already in there or an organic nute free soil mix?

The reason i ask is because he reckons it would be easier to know when to feed and what to feed when needed without the fear of possibly over feeding them.


Would like to hear some soil growers opinions on what soil brands they use.


Also (sorry to be a pain in the butt)... this friend also has gotten some fertilizer called "dutch master one- vegetative Formula" which has the NPK stats as 4:2:6, which seems pretty low compared to other ferts hes seen people use on the forum. Did he acsidently get a hydro based fert? (instead of soil based). on the back it says to adjust the PH to between 5.5 and 6.5.


And he got another "Dutch master one - Flower" which the NPK stats seem even more weird with 1.8 : 0.5 : 3.1 ( which seems to be lower in all nutes then the vegetative one.. but on the back of this this one it says to adjust the PH to 5.5 and 5.8...

So hes kinda confused and thinks he should abandon both the fertilizers and grab new ones, specifically for soil.


So recapping, What do you guys think is a good soil mix brand to get and good nutes to match??



Thanks a million for any help anyone can give.



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Never mind about the soil, i actually emailed the scotts company and they said that the multi purpose potting mix contains-


"The fertilizer that it contains has an NPK of 15:3.5:10 and it also contains trace elements, including 1.2% magnesium."



Just thought ild let youse know incase anyone else was wondering.



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he needs a bloom formula that will put him aroung 9 for his P value when he begins to bloom so any solution with an N rating of 0 and a P rating 6 to 10 while maintaining a K value of double the P rating so.....0-6-8, 0-7-11, 0-8-13, 0-9-15.....or at least something close to thoes values...but remember that the original mix isn't available all the time, time-released, so he'll have to watch for signs of burn and stress...I really would recommend a mix that has no fert in it or wormcast only until your friend really gets soil amending...just use a reliable fert program and a reliable grow mix...pre-fert dirt is for your house plants and in the end only save you vegetative nutes while having a die off effect after period of time...Scott's is a great company for your household plants and grasses...not your tender leaf...



good luck :uhhuh:

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oh and recommending nutes and soils...sunshine, HP pro mix, and many others for soils without nutes...and I use organics for the most part..so Advanced Nutrient Iguana Grow and Blooms, Advanced Nutrients Mothers Earth super tea grow and bloom, Botanicare Pure Blend Pro series, GreenFuse Products, and guano teas which are available in organic form and non...for the Chemical brothers...Fox farm, TechnoFlora, and GH products each have products that work well in hydro and soil...


later :uhhuh:

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oh and recommending nutes and soils...sunshine, HP pro mix, and many others for soils without nutes...and I use organics for the most part..so i would recommend one of these or a mix of Advanced Nutrient Iguana Grow and Blooms, Advanced Nutrients Mothers Earth super tea grow and bloom, Botanicare Pure Blend Pro series, GreenFuse Products, and guano teas which are available in organic form and non...for the Chemical brothers...Fox farm, TechnoFlora, and GH products each have products that work well in hydro and soil...


later :uhhuh:

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