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Outdoors all year?

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I think taking frsh cuttings, vegging them under fluoros and then placing them outside to flower through winter is more productive use of time than revegging the plants harvested early in the season. I too draw my expereinces from south Qld, but more inland, on the western side of the range. I had heavy frost in many areas, but not where I planted, it was always frost free.


But the time it takes for the plants to reveg, and as bufo said, this depends a lot on light intensity, I just think using fresh cuts is a very productive way to go. I've had many plants duie trying to reveg them into winter, but then I usually vegged my plants for as long as 5 months even 6.


I just set up my greenhouse (suburban), and plan to take this plan tot he backyard this year. Take the cuts under a light, veg them say 12 inches tall and slip them in the greenhouse.

Hopefully I should be able to bring some picks through the season to show how it goes.


One benifit to this is you can grow long flowering strains like Haze and not use up the indoor space for all that time.




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g'day all, this is my first post but I had been sneaking around for quite a bit.


A few years ago an old flatmate passed me this green book written by an aussie from NNSW about bush outdoor growing. A really interresting chapter came up about perrenial cannabis. I have photosat'd the page and about to try it this year, and im around sydney. The guy went fromn mistake to mistake to finally discover something. For sure you'll need a warmer frost-less winter, like on the coast.

Basically it goes like that: start seeds in april, plant in may, harvest in august. The plant should then slowly start vegging again and you will harvest again next normal season (march/april/may) massive plants.

Id say its worth a try lol and if it works ill let you know :devilred:

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lol so i'm wondering... if sunlight is the main factor, would you be able to do this in Sydney ? I suppose a frost would kill them so you couldnt do it further south or up in the high country), if so would it be best to start to germinate around this time of year (march/april)? when do you think they would harvest in this region? and then do you think they'd re-veg? Also, when you try to get them to re-veg after the first harvest I gues you take all the buds off and try to leave some leaves and hit them with veg nutes?? does that sound right??? any help would be kindly appreciated...
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...sorry about last post, I hadn't read page 2 yet and somethings had been already answered...


i also read that book which was also belonging to an old flatmate and copied the page on annual vs perennial ( i wonder if it was same flatm8?) and more recently i saw that guys movie on youtube its classic



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Hi glad to see that there are plenty of aussies growing.Last year I put in some mystery seeds very late in the outdoor season late Feb. ( I live in Sydney) they grew well ,I kept them in pots so when the nights got cold I started to bring them in at night and then every morning at 6 a.m back outside.During the winter I harvested the head as it was ready and the plants kept on growing and as spring came the plants went back into veg again! So please try winter by protecting them from the cold lots of love and you should be in fresh smoko all year! :yinyang:
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It seems that feb is a good time to start, rather than april as that nimbin weed guy originally says in his book... i noticed on his video (which must be more recent than the book) he is taking clones of his summer crop in feb saying he plants them out in march for his winter crop. I was just wondering, when is the latest time you could take clones off outdoor in Sydney?
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