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MJ opposition up in smoke ! OR IS IT ?

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Yeah religion WAS the gov for many years in many places, and our system of life we have now is said to be influenced by the bible than any other single thing. But I think history speaks for itself, every theocracyhas been a bastard to live under as far as my meagre history shows, so if we learn from history, I still say it should be like chalk and cheese.


For a start, it'd be fair to assume most religions believe that honesty, open-ness etc is essesitial to their faith. Well that just isn't going to work in any government I know of. I mean it's a. large part of thegame to keep the others guessing (trade partners, aggresive neigbors, even allies), so before it gets out the gate it's doomed to hypocracy.



I'm glad for the remnants of democracy we have, and wouldn't surrender my right to vote for anything, but still, when everythin from Ronal regan to the Terminator , both won on popularity of personality quests, and neither inteilgent enough to act properly get to run seriosu slices of the place, i still think they're a figure head. I don't think it's gone quiet that far in Australia, but maybe I'm wrong, either way I hope it goes no further that way.


Take Qld for example, we have the most ridiculous laws against pot int he country, bar none. We blamed Joe Peterson for years, but for twenty yearsnow we've had successive labor governement, and we'rs till in the same situation with the place being the hardest and most unreasonable for drug policy. What's the stablising "thing" here that's continued across seriosuly adverse governements to still adhere to the same hard line. Some of the politicians we had as Premiers here were ont he record for decriminalisation, one wanted personal smoke to be up to 500grams, and even pushed for it. Ok, so they didn't go that far, but not only "not that far", but still excessively hard lined. there's a stronger force than the government that's keeping the laws inthis state cranked up in the same direction.


And that's just pot policy.


Over history there's been loads of exposed situations where governments were being pushed and pulled by different power sources. To think it doesn't happen inthe west, that we're above that...I dunno..

I just keep thinking of how incredible the police power srae in this state, the drug laws...and in spite of wildly opposing governments...it just keeps inthat mould. Why?




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BTW, I think there's one thing we should keep in mind though. Like I was mentioning to you in a message the other day about similar stuff Al. B. ...if there's a new world order about to jump out and execute 2/3 of the population or whatever the grand plan is, if we're being controlled by free-masons or whatever that line is...if the CIA is doing this that or the other, we're presently living pretty good compared to how things could be, have been in history, or are today in many parts of the world. I have to remind myself to appreciate how good things are. As bad as they seem to be.




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Okies, gotta put my two bobs worth in, firstly, the Bible . . . mmm . . . I can't help myself I have to ask, why do 'christians' [for want of a better generalisation] hold fast to a book that was put together by the Roman Emperor Constantine [basically]? On this converts say so, many 'books of the Bible' simply disappeared, were not included because, for whatever reason/s, they didn't meet HIS standards [Constantine's, that is]? :wacko:

That said, one can only hope that one day Americans will pull their heads out of the sand and actually see just how 'corrupt and corruptible' their form of 'democracy' truly is and bloody well DO something about it! Ahem! ;)

:greedy: The only thing that drives America is the almighty dollar, and if you don't have it, forget it . . . they don't wanna know, and, unfortunately for the rest of the world we're becoming more and more like that every day. :D

I personally would LOVE to see a return to a 'barter' system and while we're at it, make the currency MARIJUANA! Oh, okay, that's my DREAM :yahoo: , won't become a reality unless I can find a little corner of Aus that I can afford to buy and secede . . . which is a VERY tantalising prospect . . . ;)

And back to the original topic here, well I read a few of Barack's 'policies' looking for references to the legalisation or otherwise of marijuana and didn't find much at all, even though he has a 'history' purportedly and he even admits he actually inhaled! :toke: But if he were for decriminalisation then why aren't ALL the various Marijuana support/lobby etc groups in the US jumping on his bandwagon, or have they done so already [i've not seen anything in that regard].

The billions of dollars the US wastes every year on the 'War against Drugs' amount to more than would be needed to run several small countries, how the 'ordinary people' in that country can't see what's staring them in the face is beyond me :D

Instigate mandatory voting in the US and the people would have to get off their arses and have their say [like we do here] whether they like it or not . . . it's deffo far from perfect, BUT, at least we have some chance of marginally 'controlling' our Pollies [such a necessary, or is that unnecessary, evil!?!?] :peace:

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Well conversations over "why" christians enjoy the bible wasn't my point, only that they do, and not if it's accurate, only that regardless of pre-dispositons to it, it has in fact effected the outcome of our societies is all.


Exposing Constantine as a fraud is no new thing, but the bible was crarried over basically lock stock and barrel from the jews so far as the writings of the Hebrew language and can be testified to this as accurate to thousands of years before Constantine through Jewish ancient writings. So the largest part of the bible (the hebrew writings)is unarguebaly in the unaltered version way pre-dating Constatine. other arguements about why we don't read books writeen in the early part of the christian era we don't have access to throgh sensless destruction? Well I think that answers itself. That we can't read two thousand year old ash piles is pretty self evident, so we can only read what we have to read. that we find these are harmonius with what we find in life, and comparable to older writings, we don't see why we should throw away what we do have, becuase it may (or may not be) "complete".


it's like having Reader's Digest's collection of ten thousand short stories of conquering the wilderness of Nth America, and loosing a few books so you destroy /loose confidence in what you have left? Surely the value of the experience they retain is still valuable none the less?


But seriously that conversation has been so done.



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Let me tell you i'm an aetheist with lefty leanings however IF i were a yank (god[sarcasm]forbid that fate befalling me ,worse than death IMO :thumbsup: ) Dr No is the only guy I would vote for BEING a cannabis consumer ( see article I've posted as a new thread)


Check out this UNEDITED clip of Dr No all the other "versions" of this clip were edited to make Dr Paul look kooky which I very much doubt he is . PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE LAST 15 to 20 secs (short clip 1m27s)




My take is most people are incapable of comprehending clear and precise english(well bastardized american version of english :peace:)


" An interesting THEOLOGICAL debate & hardly a issue for deciding which Pres." RP hmm lol


Latest pep talk , and he ain't quitting , its part of his game plan , stay in until theres just 2 ,TWO , and then the MSM can't ignore him after that , my guess it will work & his message will get out then the BANKSTERS will have him murdered just like JFK who also wanted to FIX the BROKEN & CORRUPT US Federal Reserve PRIVATE BANK as did the murdered lincoln though it wasn't the Fed until 1913 (i think) & Garfield & McKinley copped from the International Banksters and guess what , they were rejecting International Banksters as well ! :rolleyes:

Edited by Jess Stone
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This is why I believe Politics and church should be totally seperated. I'm a christian with very strong leanings to the left.

So politically we ought to be on the same ticket, but somehow religion gets int here, and look out...


As Jesus said when questioned about his political leanings, "my kingdom isn't of this world", and nor is mine. So why mix em? I think politics should be in political forums of debate and religion in religous forums of debate and never should they meet. Our Spiritual leanings are for another time in another place, and our present world simply needs looking after in a secular orderly manner. It doesn't require any religous slant. If a prerson however votes a certain way for their religous devotions, that should be kept to themselves as many people vote for a plethora of reasons and don't find cause to list them all publically...people vote for one way or another becaue they see it- better for business, better for workers, better hospitals, don't like left wing, don't like right wing...people vote privately so these things don't errupt into debate that unsettles the electorate, i think that's wise.



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Yes helicopters have followed me around Al - BUT I do live in a NOTORIOUS grow area which has regular visits from the Police Plantation Squad in helicopters looking for dope plants but there not black, usually white with blue bits because its a police helicopter, we don't really have those BLACK Blackhawks in Oz the only Blackhawks are military ones in cammo colours mostly green, and often falling out of the sky , another rip off of military hardware by the US against Oz ( how many times will we let them do this to us ? )


Here's a video of assassinated US Prez John F Kennedy giving a speech warning about secret socieities who want to control everybody and everything

JFK warns about secret societies


Here's a video of retiring Prez Eisenhower ,Eisenhower warning us of the military industrial complex.


Here's a video of quotes by famous people , presidents and prime ministers telling us that secret societies really run the show

like Brit PM Benjamin Disraeli ... "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." or Banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild ..... " Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws , "

New World Order Quotes and Confessions


About 30 years ago I started to realise the conspiracy that made cannabis illegal was indeed a conspiracy of vested interests that had managed to repress the history of cannabis and how and why it came about , the lies exposed by heroes like Jack Herer convinced me conspiracies other than criminal conspiracies indeed did exist and the illegalising of cannabis was proof , which got me wondering what other lies and conspiracies we were having perpetrated against us and the list is VERY large .

They have you conned , Keep the FAITH AL . :) ^_^

Edited by Jess Stone
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