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MJ opposition up in smoke ! OR IS IT ?

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Obama: Decriminalize Pot


Huffington Post


Last fall during a nationally televised presidential debate, Sen. Barack Obama hesitantly raised his hand and joined with most of his Democratic rivals to declare that he opposed decriminalizing marijuana.


But as a candidate for the U.S. Senate four years ago, Mr. Obama told Illinois college students that he supported eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana use or possession, according to a videotape of a little noticed debate that was obtained by The Washington Times.


Asked about the two different answers, Mr. Obama's presidential campaign said he in fact has "always" supported decriminalizing marijuana as he answered in 2004, meaning the candidate mistakenly raised his hand during the presidential debate last fall.


my source ...... ROGUE GOVERNMENT.com


Flippity,flippity Flop Obama marijuana's on the hop :peace: (couldn't be as bad as Hillary though & why oh why would U.S. voters want to elect a dynasty ? Its like a quasi-MONARCHY 2 families sharing the spoils bu$h 1 VP then P ,Bill,then bu$h2[were you all INSANE] ,hillary ? , what then Jeb? or Marvin ? Think outside the square Ron Paul seems the only true American among the rest of the same old same ! :crybaby: lol but what would i know :bongon:

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Yeah, 'true Americans' are in favour of the creationism faerie-tale and want to preach 'intelligent design' to kids in HS science classes.


If Ron Paul is a 'true American' I think I'll vote for the flip-flopper, thanks.


...and WTF is the HuffPo doing citing the Moonies' Washington Times, ffs? Not like the WT could actually be called 'news' or even a reliable source of anything other than bird-cage lining.

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Don't you just wonder sometimes though just what difference it makes? I wonder if they're all just figure heads for the whores with the real power= money. They stay unmoved no matter what politicians come and go, they buy and sell presidents don't they?

I get the feeling democracy is a bit like santa clause. You know, you think he's real, becauser everyone keeps going through the motions, but in the back of ya mind you know something just isn't right here.

And like Santa clause, I think we're getting to an age in modern democracy to see the rouse starting to fall apart.


Maybe I'm just jaded, but every election it seems to get more and more like a movie, rather than an election. Entertainment to keep us feeling in control.


sorry, I might go take a happy smoke.



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The banking familys run the show. Until they are removed, it makes little diff who's in power. Ron Paul has said repeatedly that he'd like to try to remove the fiat money system and return to the gold standard. I like Barack, but i have to say if i were a yank, I would vote ron paul. He seems to have a grasp on ecconomics and knows how dumb and dangerous the present system is. Edited by BentBuddha
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I'm a Christian ..and I think seperation of church and state is essential. You think to keep government clean, and I'd agree. But I believe even more so because of the horrible damage it does to the church.


Farkin big trouble kingmosabee...that church and politics crap. John Howard tried to drag us down it, two elections past, or three..depending on how u count it, a pastor I know blanket emailed a whole lot of us. He dropped a letter John Howard wrote to the church goers of the country. Well it wasn't from him directly, but you know who it was from.


it went into detail saying how Labor was an anti-christ beast, that maybe the liberal party isnt all christian, but it actually listed who went to church on thios propaganda...he then went on to say how the Americans value the worth and input of high value citizens such as the "religous vote", makingme think this letter went not just to christians, but was designed to suck up to all religions..


An article I read later thatyear drove home how Labor fails to see the value of courting the religi\ous vote...Basically because that's what this article said. I was going to church in those days, and it was a terrible election year for me, I can tell ya. We had speakers from the liberal party and the christian democrats (this is pre-family first) all trying to get time in churches everywhere to raise votes. In a church!

I watcheda a doco on American "red v green" politics, and they spoke to someone who is in charge of the republican church courting. The interviewer asked why the church was so important to the party (as if he didnt know), and the arsehole actually said it as it is. He said we have millions of votes we can direct any direction we want with a word.

That's frightening.


I hope that even though out Prime Minister is a christian, we see the end of that talk in Austrlaia. it's devisive, cynical and snivelling. If there is a secret new world order, that's exactlyhow they'd work it.


religion and politics should be as differnet as chalk and cheese.




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religion and politics should be as differnet as chalk and cheese.


In various parts of history, religion once was the government, in almost all parts of the world. The US helped theocracy regain a foothold by supporting the Shah in Iran- and they got Islamic govts for their trouble.


Theocracy is sorta old news these days in the western world but religion certainly does have an influence even in secular democracies, a nod to history, I suppose. However, the reason it's old news is that religion is exclusive, not inclusive. Democracy works on the basis of one man, one vote; what the man's religious choices are must be irrelevant.


While conspiracy theories abound about who may be ultimately in 'control of the world,' power is actually fairly diversely distributed. A successful conspiracy has to be small enough to be manageable, in operation and information management. There's too many people and interests involved for any single group to have world domination ability.


This in no way means that you are not able to buy a Coke and a Big Mac on every continent but Antarctica.


There's ya New World Order.


Want fries with that? :thumbdown:

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Actually, Ron Paul has kept his faith rather quiet, and as far as i know, never used it in this campaign. In an interview on Meet The Press, Ron Paul says that he disagrees with what fellow republicans are doing in advertising thier faith for votes, that in congress he doesn't join in when members go off to some kind of prayer room and pray on camera. I'm not sure the room is called. He told the interviewer that he belives politicians shouldn't wear their faith on their sleeve, and that 'one should pray in the quiet of ones closet'. A bilblical quote for those that don't know, which means not to make a show of ur faith. He hardly sounds like someone who would force christianity into the state. He comes across to me as someone who has integrity and sincerety. A breath of fresh air in u.s politics. I may not be a yank, but what happens in that country affects us here and if someone like ron paul isn't elected, the u.s is going to the shit. Their ecconomy is in the shit and they just continue to borrow money to stay afloat. How long til this collapses? They're borrowing money off china :wave:. Having troups all over the world costs a lot of money and he seems to be the only one who makes note of it. The u.s just had an evangelical christian as a president and even with his low i.q and all teh sneaky shit he introduced (like the patriot act) he know's ppl won't stand for forcing religion into state and so he didn't. Ron Paul or Obama would be a nice change. Tho, to be honest, I dont' believe in the american democratic voting system. I mean, they're obviously rigged. Just look at what happend in florida, or with the contest between obama and clinton. He was tipped, by exit polls to win that state by quite a lot, but Hillary won it. That's just rigged. I mean, the ppl are going to go to the trouble of voting, why would they lie on the exit polls? Anyway, that's one for the conspiricy buffs. Just do a youtube search on those voting machines and you'll find some interesting stuff.


I'm guessing clinton will have the election stolen for her and then the country will go to the shit. Or ppl will realise that they've been ripped off and there will be an uprising of some sorts. Maybe not riots but big protests perhaps. Seems to me this election is one that the u.s ppl care more about than any previous ones. There's a lot of cleaning up to do in that country. If Ron Paul could bring back the gold standard, and shut down the neo-con new world order program by bring troups home from all over the world, that country might actually prosper. Instead of just appearing to be a rich country, whilst being burried in debt. The neo-cons and the banking cabals have plundered that country and the ppl have given them permission to do it. It's quite astonishing to watch from a distance. How americans could not see how bad their own goverment was is amazing. Mass hypnosis and denail. Sure it couldnt be mass stupidity? You have to admire these ppl for pulling it off. I mean they manipulated them perfectly and got everything they wanted. By creating problems to provide their own solutions, it's very clever. Keep the ppl in fear and they will give up all their freedoms so that you can 'protect' them. Maybe it's not so clever, but never the less, it's obviously effective. I hope in 2008, the ppl of u.s.a can rid themselves of these parasites before it's too late.


damn i'm stoned. That took me ages to type :thumbdown:


What happens in the u.s is very interesting and i think we'll all be entertained in 08

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