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Opposition to marijuana up in smoke

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Yes, as a general rule, home schooling leads to a much poorer overall education- literacy included.


While I'm quite sure examples of successful homeschooling are available, they are much more the exception than the rule. Unless a parent is schooled as an educator- and is as broadly skilled as a school full of teachers, simple as this, the kid educated in a school will have a great advantage.


Go talk to some university teachers and profs about their experience with home schooled students. Quite a number of homeschooled students wind up going to a prep school for a year to fill in their educational gaps, hopefully to try to get them ready for uni. Even then, homeschooled kids often lack the social and organisational skills needed to cope with a uni classload.

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I am quite sure home schooled students who have problems at uni stick in the lecturer/tutors mind, while run of the mill students with the same problems are not as memorable.


Anyway, I'm not trying to argue for home schooling, but its not all bad as you want us to believe. A lot of kids are traumatised for many years from the brutal social environment experienced in schools. You claim homeschooled kids are denied socialisation, well you don't need school to have socialisation, and a lot of kids would be better off without it.

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I'm with Pipeman 100% on this one.

I home schooled my older daughter for a year and it was the most productive year of her life. We used the school cirriculum, and when she tested at the end of the year, she blew them away with her scores. In America a good portion of the school day is taken up with play and bullshit. And the kids sit there waiting to be taught.

A home schooled child learns how to learn on thier own!

Here many of the children that are home schooled are, due to the lack of fundy Xian brainwashing in public schools. These ppl simply do not want thier kids to learn the way the real world is and perhaps ask a question.


I also agree that Ron Paul is more for the constitution than any other candidate, and I don't think his personal religious beliefs will have any impact on his decisions.


I still believe that we have little control over who will be president. I think they will simply tell us just like they did with the last one.


And as for literacy, well I've been reading on my own since the age of three, and it had nothing to do with public schooling. Once I began attending public schools I was properly dumbed down and discouraged from learning on my own.

Edited by Granny
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