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World's first cannabis pill?

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Date:January 24th, 2008

Source: http://health.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=372124






The privately-held Dutch drug company Echo Pharmaceuticals expects to sell the world's first cannabis pill within five years, targeting a 4 billion euro ($5.85 billion) global market, its chief executive said.


Echo said it will start clinical studies and trials of its pill, to be marketed as Namisol, in the first half of 2008.


He said studies showed that cannabis-based drugs may be effective for diseases like Parkinson's, MS and migraine and could also help patients with Alzheimer's.


The Netherlands has tolerated the sale of cannabis in coffee shops for decades and in 2003 became the world's first country to make it available as a prescription drug in pharmacies to treat chronic pain, nausea and loss of appetite in cancer, HIV and multiple sclerosis patients.


Cannabis has a long history of medicinal use. It was used as a Chinese herbal remedy around 5,000 years ago, while Britain's Queen Victoria is said to have taken cannabis tincture for menstrual pains.


"The big advantage of administering cannabis via a pill is that the drug is adopted easier by the body compared to alternatives," Woerlee said.


He said bringing a drug to the market normally takes about five years but he was hoping to fast track the drug's development.


"In fact, we have an easy case as the effects of the drug have been known for thousands of years," he said.




And if u click on the link for this news half way down the page there is this.


YOUR SAY: Should cannabis be legalised for medical and therapeutic reasons in Australia? Leave your comments by filling out the form below.



There has been a few comments made...

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Yep there are some really well thought out and supported arguments in the comments section


like the one from this educated tool:


Legalise Cannabis

Posted by: bluebird, Hunter Valley, on 30/01/2008 2:35:05 PM

I have seen many negative and dangerous side efects to Cannabis including violence, rage, possesiveness, Epilepsy and Psychotic disorders. I have heard of people's brains switching off so they forget to breathe. If they can neutralise these side affects and only use it on prescription then I would support it but not until.


Hands up how many here are so sick of their brains switching off and forgetting to breath?

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I don't think our opinions matter in things like this.


This is backed by pharmaceudicals (lobby government) and therefore backed by the governments (Yay taxes) as perfectly A-Ok. This will make its way here for sure.


Just make sure nobody thinks of using anything natural, organic and home grown ...it's not medicine unless it's easily taxable and profits a collaboration of corporations.

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Yeah, lets not encourage the use of something totally organic that doesn't hurt the environment . . . lets create something via chemical processes that will be in no way as efficacious as the 'original' and totally useless to the likes of me for my chronic pain, as I can't take any of those chemically created synthetic 'drugs' for the pain, for depression for any-bloody-thing . . . they ALL give me the bad side affects and none of the purported 'good' effects . . . mmm, using something organic, now THAT would be far to much like common bloody sense!
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I'm sorry if I'm repeating something, as I've onlyhad time to skim though this thread. but they did formulate a pill of THC in Britian once apparently. I think it was synthesisesed. Anyway it was taken off the market because people freaked out. You and I might love it, but a novice user benifits better from smoking, as you can better mitigate the amount ingested. But with a pill, once u take it, you're in for the longhaul, and if u don't like it, then u report nasty side effects. as was the case, and subsequent removal of the pill.


so I believe anyway.




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Having my brain shut off and forgetting to breath... I hate it when that happens! :)


There's been a THC tablet available in the US for years. It's called Marinol. I don't know how often it's prescribed but I also heard that it caused distress among inexperienced cannabis users. I'd like to try that out for sure. Hell, pop three or four of those babies and a six pack of Mexican beer and I'd be good for the day.


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"In fact, we have an easy case as the effects of the drug have been known for thousands of years," he said.


Man that says it all... there are no weapons of mass destructi.. ok..


Well put dsyfer :bow:


Pretty sure nabilone was the first thc synth, possibly withdrawn because some dogs died.


Then later continued under dronabinol/ marinol - thc. ( perhaps there's a warning now, don't drive or bury bones if you feel anx)


Rob I think its sativex - thc cbd 50/50 ( possibly lost a 70yr old lady in the trials of this drug UK, 05)


URB597 - found to increase the brains own endocannabinoids and alleviate depression


Theres another being patented for cbg.. et al no doubt.


cool... can go buy a garlic tablet... but i already know how to grow garlic.. which tastes better and is more effectively usable.. :)

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