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Guest Field_of_Light

I just did the test........and alas it confirmed the worst


More anarchist than Ghandi


Economic Left/Right: -3.00

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -4.72


Fuck Authority and Greedy Corporations



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Guest Field_of_Light

On the topic of reliability of the questionaire.....in life we often have few options where we can safely sit on the fence...these sort of tests tend to push us that bit further than where we thought we would comfortably sit and if indeed there was a neutral option and as a general rule we being humans with our diversity of opinion were given that option...the harder the question is the more likely we are to sit on the fence - and perhaps mull it over.......Id have to assume that if that was the case and we sat on the fence wed come out sitting slightly off centre from the graph in our varying directions and not really have established just how strongly we feel about....economic, social, religious, sexual and astrological matters in society.


Im assuming the astrological questions were to push you into categorications of beleiver/non beleiver and spread that out in terms of seing the world defined by what we see are the true values rather than what we can interpret...ie what we can think about/dream/ etc....maybe scientific fact vs `is there anybody out there' - the thinker behind the scenes mentality......


A freind of mine just scored this- and he has very strong opinions on about everything....


Economic Left/Right: -0.75

Authoritarian/Libertarian: 0.31


well thats my 2 bits....

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Heres a thought, im half way through taking the thing now so I am posting this b4 I forget about it.


First-generation immigrants can never be fully integrated within their new country.


How did people answer this question?


my old man was a first generation imigrant to Australia. I think this might be true. There is something about being born somewhere that links you to the place you are born. I live somewhere round Nimbin and love it but still have a soft spot for that funny little triangle shaped island where i was born, even if it is 1000 miles and a swim across bass strait away.


But the reason for posting this is that I almost said that I strongly disagree with the question. Because i don't believe it should be the case. And I don't think people who were born in another nation cannot integrate fully into the community. happens around here heaps.


But I ended up agreeing because whether i like it or not, there is a slight difference.


Anyway I don't really want to hear the answer to how you answered that individual question, but ask yourself did you answer because of how believe things should be, or because thats how they appear to you without you considering how you think they should be?


One more example before I get back to the test.


Abortion, when the mother's life is not threatened, should always be illegal.


How do you answer this if you believe abortion is wrong on principle, but that no government has the right to make laws telling people what they can or cannot do with their bodies?


I love this quiz. It helped me see how the politics can fail to deliver what people want so easily.

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Economic Left/Right: -4.12

Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.31


I must say everyone here seems to hail king Gandhi, and thats who I was closest to of the big 4 (Gandhi, Stalin, Hitler & Friedman)


Did anyone also notice that Gandhi was a greenie????





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this is an old thread but the link still worked so I took the test:



The Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -7.00

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.97


I didn't read what it was supposed to relate to specifically though, I suppose I'm down there with Gandhi et al.


Economic Left/Right: -7.00 ish

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.00 ish


is that good or bad? should i dump him and run screaming from the house with only the clothes on my back or is he okay? :rolleyes:


I wonder how these results relate to what you do for a living? Probably too risky to talk about such things here eh?


regards, tam

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