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Peyote Graft on Short rootstock

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Hi, I have a graft growing here, can someone judge its health by picture?


I was told that it would not survive.


http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/5183/dsc01428ia8.jpg http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9996/dsc01423qj0.jpg



What do you think about the appearance?


Any idea of how I can boost the growth?

The rootstock is too long, in my opinion it affects the overall rate of growth, because the top part is pretty well bonded with the root.


Can I add some more P? N? K?



Thank you, nice forum

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Cacti are the easiest plants to graft and many people start out with them to learn the techniques. When I was married, my wife messed with cactus alot and had many sucessful grafts.


I don't see any sign of callous formation (undifferentiated healing tissue) at the graft margin. I wouldn't add more nutrients but you could up the amount of water that you're giving it. That should stimulate growth.




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Hi ,

It's still prime growth time for your cacti still , so if you haven't given it some nutrients give it a very very mild dose blood and bone and make sure the ph level of the water you water it in with is up around 7.5-8 , if it's outdoors you may want to think about moving it indoors in the next few months ( around march ) things start to cool down at night then and until a graft is well and truly established it's really best to keep it out of the cold . I find Cacti are slow feeders and the best approach with them is to pot them in what they will need for a while and then really only suplement with a little blood and bone as the next growth season starts to kick off

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