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UV stress - new technology!?

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Dr. Dee. To answer your question. The light has UVA and UVB. I Actually contacted the manufacturer and they told me that. Also, all their bulbs have UV in them, including their MH and Flower Spectrum ceramic MH. But this particular light is particularly for the final weeks of the cycle. Edited by yota
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hey yota hows things going for ya in life?


i no this is a pretty old thread but it sure is interesting so its been a year since you invested in that bulb and i guess what i want to no is do they work coz they fuckin looked like it from what i seen in ya pic. and wot i really want to no is can you still get them and if so were from coz that link doesn't work any more being that its so old or summin so i went on there sight and still cant see anything about them they only have 2 different types of bulbs well any info wood be great so cheers mate and all the best brother


lol dirtyman :D

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