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myth of the addictive personality

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For all those scientists out there that have forgotten basic biology soon after leaving colledge


If you remember the standard distrubition curve for any chemical naturally found in the human body you will understand that ~62% of all people will have an amount that is considered within "normal ranges" for any given substance




well ~17% have too much and any amount extra will cause health issues.

also ~17% will not have enough and will require a supplement to get within "normal ranges"


For those who think we do not use alcohol naturally in our bodies Please read about Glycolysis and pay particular attention

to what happens to Pyruvate. (A drug squad member raiding my place told me we do not make alcohol in our bodies)


For those who think we do not need nicotine PLEASE remember that niacin is nicotinic acid and it is water soluable it cannot be stored therefore some people will also require a supplement and digestion still will only help some people perhaps the problem for them is the digestive pathway itself.


I am sure that you can lookup the details for all the other so called "drugs of addiction" each has a normal use in our bodies.


Finding that ~10% are addicted to something is not a surprise what does worry me is the ~7% who are wondering what is wrong with them and getting no help from the so called experts within medicine and politics to find what it is they are naturally lacking.


If you are in the lacking group you are left with no choice but to self experiment with many types of drug till you find the one that works for you and as most medical people belong to the "normal group" it is impossible for them to actually know what its like to feel disorientated all the time except when taking your drug of choice.


My son belongs to the group who has problems with any amount of cannabis, it caused serious drug induced illness until he gave up.


I have found that i function better with cannabis rather than all the not fully tested drugs they want me to take eg Sodium Valproate 1400mg a day leaving me feeling dead emotionally. Lithum carbonate with nausea or chloropromozine feeling half intoxicated all the time.


When I smoke pot I feel normal speed not like when I am straight and every body is running too slow around me leaving me me feeling like an alien.


Am I wrong to believe that when you become a expert in one field, you become rigidly constrained in your beliefs and by your lack of knowledge in other fields.

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Am I wrong to believe that when you become a expert in one field, you become rigidly constrained in your beliefs and by your lack of knowledge in other fields.



Beliefs are any ideas you think are true about yourself, others, and life..

clarity about what you believe, who you are, what you want and why you want it, can be like a light guiding you in the pursuit of your desires ..

many of us aren't aware of our beliefs, many of which we acquired as children and you can live your whole life unaware of how you're beliefs are effecting your feelings, thoughts and actions ..




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Am I wrong to believe that when you become a expert in one field, you become rigidly constrained in your beliefs and by your lack of knowledge in other fields.



Geez, I like the way Frazz said it, but will give it a go..


Expert knowledge would be ever honed with new information. Flexibility would be the only quality needed to be expert.


The other experts, simply biased for a motivating reason. e.g. financial gain, career progression, titles, wont move from views or doctrine held as fact.


But a fact is only a fact, until disproved.

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Thank you guys I now understand that i am not alone, so its ok for me to try and change beliefs if you have the facts and can quote references in terms they understand. I have decided to begin posting a slightly revized version (see below if you are interested) of the original post to the DHSS Tasmania and to the AMA I am thinking about sending a copy to our state parliment as well asking them to reconsider our laws in the light of this simple 2nd year biology study at UNI I am not sure who to contact next maybe the federal govermnent, it is hard to find where to remind the right people to change the stigma applied to people who do not fit within the "normal population distribution"


On a lighter note my personal definitation of an





The Myth of the Addictive Personality


For all those scientists out there that have forgotten basic biology soon after leaving colledge


If you remember the standard distrubition curve for any chemical naturally found in the human body you will understand that ~62% of all people will have an amount that is considered within "normal ranges" for any given substance




well ~17% have too much and any amount extra will cause health issues.

also ~17% will not have enough and will require a supplement to get within "normal ranges"


For those who think we do not use alcohol naturally in our bodies Please read about Glycolysis and pay particular attention

to what happens to Pyruvate. (An under educated drug squad member raiding my place told me we do not make alcohol in our bodies)


For those who think we do not need nicotine PLEASE remember that niacin is nicotinic acid and it is water soluable it cannot be stored therefore some people will also require a supplement and digestion still will only help some people perhaps the problem for them is the digestive pathway itself.


I am sure that you can lookup the details for all the other so called "drugs of addiction" each has a normal use in our bodies.


Out of the 17% lacking something Finding that ~10% are addicted to something is not a surprise what does worry me is the ~7% who are wondering what is wrong with them and getting no help from the so called experts within medicine and politics to find what it is they are naturally lacking.


If you are in the lacking group you are left with no choice but to self experiment with many types of drug till you find the one that works for you and as most medical people belong to the "normal group" it is impossible for them to actually know what its like to feel disorientated all the time except when taking your drug of choice.


My son belongs to the group who has problems with any amount of cannabis, it caused serious drug induced illness until he gave up.


I have found that i function better with cannabis rather than all the not fully tested drugs they want me to take eg Sodium Valproate 1400mg a day leaving me feeling dead emotionally. Lithum carbonate with nausea or chloropromozine feeling half intoxicated all the time and I am not your experimental subject.


When I smoke pot I feel normal speed, not like when I am straight and every body is running too slow around me this leaves me feeling like an alien.


And please do not tell me I have "normalized" my drug habit as the disorientation that i felt happened before I even knew cannabis existed and occours worse with other drugs such as alcohol.


Please tell me of a doctor or care giver or law maker who actually remembers the standard distribution curve and takes it into account when diagnosing and treating illness or drug problems. I havent been able to find one who even remembers what I am talking about.


there is a serious problem when the average doctor ignores the standard distribution curve and is still allowed to prescribe dangerous chemicals.


mark rieder



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everyone is a addict, it just depends on your point of view really... for example, i myself smoke marijuana and tobacco every day except when i run out and when that happens i turn into a mean person. does that make me an addict? i believe so but others wont maybe with the exception of the ciggies :sdj: what about the people who use herion, crack or meth on a weekly or even monthly basis? some would argue that makes them an addict, others would say as long as it doesnt interfere with the rest of their life its simply responsible drug use.


then again if you want to have a major look at addiction in society we should look at caffine. hundreds of millions, if not a billion or more people are addicted to that shit and alot claim they simply cant start the day without that first cup of coffee in the morning lol


even worse is oxygen, there are close to 6.5 billion of us that are addicted to that shit and the number grows with every birth LMFAO :D

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i agree, that is my point based on basic biochemistry that seems to be forgotton by those who should know better and are responsible for our very defination of a drug as something different from any chemical that can be found in the human biochemistry.

they are one and the same


If Darwins theory of evolution is correct then any behaviour which reduces the fittness of the indervidual to breed will be eventualy be weeded out of the general population or reduced to a small number of gene carriers until it becomes an advantage again or dissappears all together let nature take its path


as another thought are all those people the health care system supplies oxygen bottles to for respiration problems addicts or ill due to thier different biological oxygen needs if they are ill then so is anyone else who requires any chemical to maintain their sanity and health


i want to help stop this subjective labeling of people as addicts and have a system of objective labels using well known and repeatedly proven methods such as the normal distribution curve for Iron or other chemicals in the human body


The fact that people misuse drugs is most likely due to the refusal of healh care workers to allow people to try prohibited chemicals during diagnosis leading to poor treatment outcomes in a lot of cases

people then are self experimenting with anything they can get their hands on leading to further problems

Edited by amarkrieder
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i find it strange to live in a world where it is ok to be addicted to dangerous life threatening behaviours such as mountain climbing, football, rockclimbing, car racing, surfing, bush walking, fishing, news reporting in war zones etc are these people suffering from low self esteem too and what gives these very same people the right to decide that smoking cannibis is dangerous. Most 2nd year biology students are taught that if you measure the concentration of any chemical in the human body that about 62% will have the concentration within "normal range" (1 standard deviation from the mean) therefor ~ 19% will have too much and ~19% will need an external supply to maintain normal metabolism. These people lack something in there life and are forced to self experiment and condemned because they make mistakes by the same people who do all the above behaviours. Explain please!
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Judging by the list of serious psychotropic medications that you listed you were on you have a serious disposition towards mental illness, perhaps bipolar. Obviously your son may also have that disposition, but cannabis does not cause mental illness in people that do not have these uncommon genetic traits.


But yes there are a few conditions which you should be very cautious about if you smoke cannabis:


Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, a severe anxiety disorder, asthma, or severe heart disease.


I believe I probably have an addictive personality, everyone that knows me well agrees.

Edited by cybergenesis
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