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Ex drug cop bashes the drug war

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This guy used LEAP's name WITHOUT LEAP's permission. He was challenged on this by more than one drug reform organization whose name he used without permission... can't remember who else right now, sorry... The Marijuana Policy Project too, I think?


PLEASE be careful of BARRY COOPER...



Alison Myrden


Speaker for LEAP -

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


Edited by Alison Myrden
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That clip of his has been around for a long time. Old news.


Be careful of Barry Cooper ?? Why? He has argued against the drug laws as good as anyone I can remember.

So what if he used LEAPS name? Isn't he an ex cop too? Do you need to know a secret handshake or something first?

Whats wrong with Barry Cooper Alison? Has he been the cause of anyone getting busted?

Spit it out

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I've heard he HAS doll... I also know he's been around a few years. LEAP is very aware.


Another activist friend of mine in the US named Loretta Nall, had a very serious run in with him because of his giving names and addresses out from those who had contacted him... I don't know for a FACT but LEAP wanted nothing to do with him and told us so when he used our name and said he spoke for us. LEAP didn't like how he assumed he was welcome with his views on the War on Drugs. LEAP felt Barry was out for Barry...


Just an FYI. That's all I know... but it seems to be more than all of you for now so please don't be so hard on me next time.


Just trying to help...


Please Beware....





Edited by Alison Myrden
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