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Final flush with flavour...

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I just read the post about adding flavors or aromas to your buds during the final flush but I was wondering/hoping someone could speak from experience on the stuff you apparently can buy at the hydro shop.


I haven't looked into them yet but hearing from people who have used it before would have to be better than the shop guys hype.


Do they mess up your res? Do they actually add flavor to the bud - like, noticeable when you smoke it? Or is it just a fragrance thing when it's in the jars?


Jimbo :applause:

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hmmmm not to shore of the product of which you speak maybe a link would be good


have also heard of another member of here adding a heap of pineapple juice to his res in final flush think i remember him saying it added a noice smell and slight flavour but really messed with the ph


anyhoo shoot us a link to the stuff the hydro guy is pushing on ya


cheerz :applause:

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from what i have read adding shit to the res during the final flush does add some flavor, but there is a much better way of adding the flavours you want. its just curing the buds with something else in the jar wether it be a few drops of vanilla essence, dried fruits, coffee, chocolate, skittles or even some hubba bubba chewy if you so desire. basically you can add anything you want although somethings will require more attention than others :thumbdown: you will have to open the jar and pull out the buds every day and will more than likely have to replace the thing you are using to add flavour every few days, but i can assure you from my own experience that it works wonders and as long as you keep a good eye on things the worst that will happen is you'll develop an addiction to experimenting with different flavours :thumbdown:
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