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How accurate are new roadside drug tests?

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i'm eagerly waiting for the traffic court (is that what it's called?) cases to start - with ppl contesting that any of this has any effect on their driving ability. Ppl contest traffic fines all the time right? So this should be inevitable.


with my ability to follow the news though, i'll probabaly miss this when it happens :bow: .



Anyway, i'm considering completely stopping my driving in QLD simply because i'm sick of assholes on the road. On a drive to the Dr the other day i was cut off by some asshole trying to force me off the road at EVERY SINGLE LANE MERGE i went through - a different asshole everytime. Me-first drivers are a fucking joke, i give up. It seems if you want to drive thesedays you have to be hyper-aggressive just like everyone else or you will be run off the road - i'm generally deemed the weakest link :).

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i find it funny that they are testing for "cheap" drugs not cocaine, heroin etc which alot of high profile people and politicians can afford easily. it is ridiculous that they have not given any sort of timeframe to be clear, but then again it is illegal and you shouldnt be taking any of it. i wish it didnt exist
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