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OK in California there is a guy who ran a marijuana dispensary (a legal pot shop for medical reasons) made a music video of how he is a drug dealer, saying

"fuck the fed's!"..... now he sells pot legally, but he also does things on the side, and he couldn't wait to brag about what he does. Talk about asking for an arse raping from the police.




California's Proposition 215 legalized medical marijuana in that state 11 years ago as a treatment for pain, the side-effects of chemotherapy, and other ailments. However, the federal government still views all marijuana use as illegal, and the Supreme Court has upheld the federal Drug Enforcement Agency's right to go after dispensaries, no matter what state laws allow.


In September, the DEA raided the California Healthcare Collective in Modesto and arrested the store's chief financial officer, Luke Scarmazzo. "They handcuffed me and put me on my kitchen table," Scarmazzo told 60 Minutes. "One of them ... said 'you knew I'd be coming soon.'"


Scarmazzo acknowledged that he had been earning $13,000 a month for running the dispensary but insisted "I was working a lot of hours." Scarmazzo's lawyer described his client's situation as a case of "selective prosecution," because the 26-year-old Scarmazzo is also a hiphop artist, with a widely distributed Internet video in which he appears as a high-living drug dealer, chanting "Fuck the feds."


Complicating the legal situation, California's pot shops have admittedly become an easy source of supply for people who just want to get high. According to 60 Minutes, the California law was originally intended to provide access only to the most needy, but in an attempt not to exclude any category of illness, it wound up with language so broad that it covers ever the vaguest complaint of pain. Now anyone with a note from their doctor can buy medical marijuana, and some doctors even advertise for patients in alternative papers.


One longtime supporter of medical marijuana, Methodist minister Scott Imler, says, "It's just ridiculous ...The purpose of Proposition 215 was not to create a new industry." Although the centers are supposedly collectives which buy marijuana grown by members and redistribute it, it is clear that large amounts of marijuana are also entering the system from the black market, putting money into the pockets of organized crime and terrorists.


Marijuana activist Don Duncan told 60 Minutes that "there's bound to be abuse in the system" and what is needed is better regulation. However, Scott Imler argues that effective regulation is not possible as long as the federal government refused to accept the legality of medical marijuana. Until then, "We're going to have what we have now, which is chaos."



Here is the link to the dickwads videoclip on youtube,

The following video is from CBS's 60 Minutes, broadcast on December 30, 2007

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It is criminal the way the DEA takes down medicinal mj suppliers which are legal by state law, but at the same time its antics like that have brought a lot of the problems on themselves. If they kept it low profile the DEA probably would not be so heavy handed but when they make no effort to be discreet and even worse boast about it then they shouldn't be surprised when the DEA reacts to protect its public image.


the idiots should at least give the feds a chance to ignore them by keeping the operations discreet, small, and spread out.

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