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Come out of the Cannabis Closet

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Hi Allison,

I watched your latest edition of Cannibis Closet with interest. I'm so sorry that the US government is so dictatorial and heavy handed about marijuana, I'm just one citizen but I do what I can do. My protests now are in the form of passive resistance. Good luck obtaining permission to have a dedicated grower. Sounds like you could almost use a growing team! Take care and best wishes.


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what a job.. id be ya designated grower.. an ounce a day... fuck me.. thats a lot of pot...id love to see the set up that would grow that...


of course id have to grow extra for my self... B) ..


id be more than happy to send ya some.. and so would most of our members.. but you know.. living in Nazi Australia... its just not that easy... mm i wonder if i was your designated grower i could get sponsor ship for entry into Canada.. after all.. it would save on shipping costs...:thumbsup:


have great new year ally...and of course all of your crew... best wishes from all us here at OS..

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Gee, I thought the laws were much more lax in Canada. They can have shops and sell seed. I don't get it, if she can have a designated grower, why can't she grow for herself? B)


EDIT: Oh ok I just read the other posts. The video sounded like she was saying that people were getting arrested there for medpot.


Never mind. :thumbsup:

Edited by Granny
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Hi Dr Dee. Hi Sukonmiskunk. Hey Granny....


As you now know Granny I CAN grow for my self - over a hundred and thirty plants. BUT - I can't find the proper strains (theY are in the street market and not for sale very often if at all) OR keep up with myself because I ALWAYS cut alot down BEFORE it's ready because I need so much daily... :scratchin:


It's harder than people think when you HAVE to have it. Some times just little things fuck up. Other times it's bigger and I lose alot of my grow. Either way it is definitely a project to contend with...


In the video I AM saying people are still getting arrested for simple possession for SOCIAL use even though the Law has dropped in two lower courts in Ontario, Canada last year. I also mentioned the Reverend Brothers who are charged with trafficking to an undercover cop who PLAYED sick also in Ontario, Canada.


Sorry for any mix up...


Sukonmiskunk I wish you WERE my grower... we could sure cut a deal.... Thanx for the offer of meds across the Pond... Too bad we couldn't. Ms:D


Thanx for the support Dr. Dee... I really DO need a team! :photo: no wonder it's been so easy to do all by myself.. :smoke:


Thanx tons all you guys for watching... :peace:


I'll keep posting them every month or so...


Love and a squish,





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Hi doll... lol lol


THAT is my EXACT set up. I can only support half of my prescription because of it. My room is far too small but that's all I have for now...


Thanx for thinking of anything to help sweetie... We changed over to this last year, costing a group of Hippies from the 60's known as the Canadian Cannabis Brigade, They paid sx thousand dollars CDN for my room and I've had NOTHING but problems and not enough medicine from the go... I feel terrible! It may work for some but we want to go back to pots and soil again some day......


Thank you tons again for trying to help me iamnotcop... ;)


LOVE Cannabis Culture website... I post all the time there in the Activist thread, the Current News And the Medical Marijuana forum... they are also a Link on our website. I've known Marc Emery for many YEARS! B)


Love and a squish,




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