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Moving house

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I looked at the link in your sig and (correct me if im wrong) you said you use 1 for a mum and add another when cloning?



Yeah, the second one is in one of those bed lamps with the spring loaded wire clamps, it attatches to a door shelf and gives the clones more light, here it is helping out my young SPC B'shen:


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I wonder about the effectiveness of a single dripper getting the entire medium moist.  Obviously it does the job though.


Nice plants Tom, I hope that one day I can have a garden half as healthy as yours.

One dripper works ok with my media and set-up, if you were using clay balls or rock wool one of those drip ring things would probably be better.


As to the garden, you will, if you think you're having fun with your first grow you should have seen mine, no internet or decent books available back then.



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