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thc and temps

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from what i understand temperatures of 15C or below start to have negative affects on the growth cycles of cannabis.

the optimum temperature can vary a bit depending on what you read or who you listen to.



the best general guide line ive heard of is if you are comfortable in your grow room then your plants also will be.


20C-30C is the basic guideline.

22C-28C ive read of....although higher temps are used if using Co2 enrichment.


about 90% of your potency is detirmined by the potency of your seed....which leaves 10% variation for the growing, drying and curing phases....


for me...growing is about maximum yield with minimum time not increasing potency....proper drying and curing is mainly done to improve taste..make it less harsh...green...gross!!....although done well it will RETAIN higher levels of THC...which will have the net effect of making your product stronger.


if you only have 10% of the potential potency to play around with....its not worth the effort....instead to increase the strength of your weed.....buy some designer dope with high THC levels from a seedbank.


..and im sure ive read the opposite somewhere....where high temperatures can cause higher levels of THC/resin production!!!

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First I'll try to come back and cite some sources...but I can't do it right know and I don't want to let this go with out at least saying....Ed Rosenthal has suggested that increased UV-B's can increase potency...only implying that there are things that can "unlock" your plants genetic potential....so the temp articles you read may have suggested that certain stresses may bring out potency in MJ...now from a Botanical stand point...cooler nite temps induce flowering and color on strains that have cyano gene in nature while very hot days when there is low-mid humidity may..(try to find the sources) induce resin production as a stress function....not meaning better just more resin...and not all resin coated friuts of labor are all that tasty or potent...those adjetives are better reserved for individual assessment and as so are not reliable words to use unless you know your strains potentail and can share!.... :uhhuh:
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