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Hi everyone. A while ago I was asking around what to use as a material for making a growhouse in the backyard. An old fella I know grows prize winning flowers in "igloo" looking greenhouses, quiet large afairs. 20 odd feet tall, 30 or so feet long and wide, in a dome shape. The interesting feature I found is the material is like a white plastic-PVC looking stuf. For pot, I'd reckon plants would do best if raised as high as possible in the arrangement, up on tables perhaps. However he's grown garden vegetables in them,and they do fine. He mainly grows South American plants that don't need lots of light,so it's all moote to him.

The old bloke's 96 years old BTW, and if I can ever learn just 1% of what he knows about plants, my growing would be immeasurably improved. You have to be on the spot to believe what he can do, an amazing man.


Anyway,off the point,it was the material to make the greenhouse I was wondering about. Of course to grow grass,it needs to behiden from the outside world,but yet still allow maxl ight right? My present situation is a bit tight for space inside, very hot inside...all round a bit of a drag for indoors growing. It can be one, but i just got to wondering..


Anyhow, I spot this "greenhouse" on ebay, paid 70 bux for it. The place wasn't far away, so i could even pick it up,saving the postage. the plan is to fill it with orchids, gloxinias, ferns..whatever. Every day I strike a new cutting of the gloxinias or pot up a new fern, I'll bother the neighbour to come look. He's a real nosey prick, can't stop sneaking a peak at everything. By the time I'm done with him, when he sees me going near the greenhouse, he's going to bolt, driven mad about endless drivel of ferns and shit.


"bout then,I'll strike clones inside in a cupboard, grow under lights until say 12 inches tall, and set them out through winter,to flower out naturally.

It's not a real large turn out, but giventhat plants grown that way usually stay waiste high,Iought to be ableto fairly chock it i think.



Anyway, just thought I'd post a pic of the greenhouse, as i was asking a lot about it a few months back, and lots of people chimmed in with advice. I thought I'd show what it looks like.


I'll get some pics as the plan comes to pass,all working out well.


Cheers all.



btw, heaps of light gets through,I have no concern there I don't think. It has side windowstooanyway if things get dodgy.


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