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I'm about to order from EDIT, and well, I was going to get top 44, until how crap I found out it was, then I found Top Skunk 44,

grows at the same speed as the last 44, but is much more stronger, and from what I can tell it would be great for producing.


But I would like to check with all the experienced guys out there before I order, because I have never heard of it before,

and just like to see if anyone has had experienced this?




The seeds are done by seedsman, and he/she came up the the strain.

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What I do when I see a strain that catches my eye is Google 'Top Skunk 44 grow diaries' for eg...


Then you might find a few to look at, and you can judge for yourself whether it looks like it lives up to its rep.


Sometimes you come up with nothing, sometimes you hit the jackpot. Anyway it's somewhere to start when considering a new addition to your collection.


Try to look past the hype that the sites tell you about strains because they won't always live up to what they are saying - like finishing in 44days.


There are plenty of good buys to be had on that site from seedsman atm, so pick a few and then cruise diary's until you think you've found one you want to have a go at.




Jimbo :P

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