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New grower need alot of help 250 watt light indoor help me

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:thumbsup: Hey dude

Have a look through the indoor growing section

You'll see humidity is only a small part of a bigger picture

Read about airflow in your cupboard and a healthy root system for your plants

You'll soon see the heat from an indoor HPS lamp is a main item to deal with, as well as the stink off your grow if you get that far

Hydro can be easier than soil or complicated, depending on how you set up the medium and watering system.

Look up some basic perlite grows and read how easy adding a nutrient and water solution via a small pump is, or even hand watering once every day or so,

It's all there in the forums to browse through, good luck and welcome to OzStoners

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One thing about skinny weak stems is that when indoors the plant thinks it has no need to build a thick, strong stem because there is no wind indoors .... so it pays to have small fan gentlly blowing air accross, through plants ... fan also helps move stagnant air around and mixes cooler air with warmer air produced by the hot light globe ...


tell us what the humidity is at present, cause maybe the humidity is OK ?


there is no quick way thru this just research on forums like heaps of reading and see where others stuffed up and-or succeded ..

no, dont tell me you want it on audio so as you dont have to read it all ... if you dont read up i'll throw the fricken book at you!! :thumbsup:



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Welcome to OzStoners Savage666 :thumbsup:


Your plants need nutrients do grow, so if there isn't much soil or organic matter in your pots, you need to feed them with fertiliser or compost or worm castings etc.


You won't want their roots sitting in stagnant water either, so you'll need to regularly refresh the water in your big tub or aerate the water with an aquarium style airstone&pump.


The size of your cupboard sounds perfect for 250watts, but your can check the temperature by placing your hand(palm down) level with the top of your plants, if it's too hot for your hand then it's too hot for your plants lol



Best of luck :peace:

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