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leaves during flower

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is it normal for leaves to die and drop off during flower, im thinking the plant is giving all energy to tha buds? :rolleyes:


ive had a few get crispy and drop off, not from the top just tha useless 1's from the bottom(fan leaves i guess).

Other than that tha buds are looking good......


ive got a main cola, then lower 1's all aroound.....will the top cola be ready b4 tha others?? Any advice on wat 2 do?

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hey there mrsmokey


as jimbo said it is very natural for the lower leaves to drop off as the plant during flower will use the nutrience that it has stored in its leaves to finish off the flower period but at the same time new growers may fall into the trap of thinking either of 2 things 1. Im gonna give this plant as much nutes as i can and get a better yeild or 2. The more nutes i give the plant the bigger my buds are gonna be.


now both these thoughts are false infact if you were to do either of these things you are gonna end up with some nasty leaf burn and possible root zone damage you will see the nute burn come from the tip of the leaf inwards and a rusty dried colour a naturally dying leaf will go a light green colour then a slightly yellow colour and then yellow and at about that time will drop off


so if you aint been going over board with the nutes then i would say its very natural and also when you start flushing your plants (should be done for about 3 days - 1 week) you will see the leaves dying faster as the plant feeds off all the nutes left in its leaves thus the reason for flushing, it gets rid of any nutes and or chems in your plant matter


hope that helps


cheerz :rolleyes:

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yeh ive been watching nutes, im week 4 flower just up to 2.4 ec ph about 5.8.....the nutes been 1.8 just jumped up to 2.4 then next week 2.4 then ill go down 1.8 then 1.2 then nothing.


Jimbo cant do pic no camera mate,but i got 1 main top cola about 9cm pretty fat and then lower 1's about 12-14 of them but not as big, im in week 4 using AN nutes sensi and big bud with some fulvic acid until week 6 then week 6 and 7 overdrive then week 8 no nutes just plain water, so i hope all goes well and then my 1st cure attempt, cheers for every 1's help i appreciate it im on the wagon till i get me buds grown.

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Hi Mrssmokey

When you first turn to flower (12/12) do you go straight to flower nutes?

I used to do this when i first started growing and would loose all my lower leaves by start of week 4.

Since then i do a 50/50 ratio of grow/flower nutes for the first 2 weeks and have found that this helps alot in retaining my lower leaves. (not completely of course)

Even though flower nutes has nitrogen in it, I think that the stretch phase uses alot of the nitrogen stored in the lower leaves, so adding grow nutes will supplement this deficiency.


However i dont think its all the nutes fault as light deprivation will also cause lower leaves to fall off. (by week 3 not much light down low)

Give it a go next round and see if it helps. :thumbsup: No harm in trying. :peace:




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nah mate i used veg nutes for the 1st week of 12/12....... i havent lost 2 many just now and again a few fall off from the bottom area they arnt gonna form buds so im not 2 concerned.


Billo what ya saying it needs more than 60 days to ripen???? Ive got a mag lens 30X power coming from china cost me $20

from ebay so ill have 2 watch the colour towards tha end.

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