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I killed my clones...........Help!

Guest sabator

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Guest sabator

I got my 3 spc clones last week and i have killed them all!!!!!


Its the first time i have used rock wool and i think i have under estimated the amount of water it can hold.


When i pulled them the roots were all brown not the normail white. Is this root rot??


They are under a 400 hps light at least 1 m high ( so i dont burn them)


I have the other 3 comeing soon and dont want to fuck them up as its cost me 200 buxs.


Help me please.



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Best way to judge if watering is needed is by the weight of the pot.


Do not over water new clones, someone correct me if im wrong but i think that being frugale with water at the start promotes better root growth ?


Are you using Ph adjusted water with the correct or below recommended ammount of nutes?


Go to your local hydro store and look for a product called Canna Zym, this promotes healthy root growth, i have used it in both rockwool and bubbler set up and seen a marked difference in the healthiness of the roots.


Another inmortant point to look for is drainage, make sure your pots have suitable sized holes and fill your pots this way: Put 2-3 cm of expanded clay balls in the pot first then enough rockwool flock so it sits about 2-3 cm above the rim of the pot, wet this down with ph 5.6 adjusted water with 1/2 strength nutes , the rockwool flock will compress as it takes in water, stop pouring water once the whole lots is saturated and running out the bottom of the pot, let it drain then pick up the pot and give it say 3 hefty jolts in a downward motion to force some more water out the bottom. Then make a hole in the rockwool large enough to fit your clone ( im assuming it's in a rockwool cube) in so that the top of the cube is about 1 cm above the rockwool floc and fill back in around it with the floc, then finish off by filling to the top with more expanded clay balls, i grew this way last grow and had great results, next grow im going back to this way.


Also remember to flush every 3rd watering, i was using 18 litre buckets so before every third watering i would put 20 litres of clean ph6 water through each bucket to flush built up salts, hope this helps.

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Try:- Rhizotonic by Canna


Its to be used in the first week and is an idel product to use for cuttings and plants being repotted, as well as for weak plants and poorly developed plants recovering from stress.


Also cutts should travel in the post alot better now its not as hot anymore, summer is over.

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Guest Urbanhog
I have the other 3 comeing soon and dont want to fuck them up as its cost me 200 buxs.

So you mean you paid $200 for just 6 clones? :D


mmmmm interesting..... better keep comments to myself then. ;)





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Sounds like a nice easy set-up to use Rattdogg, do you have a watering or do system you hand feed?



Yeah Tom they were just hand watered, they were grown from seed and one big mistake was made, i grew them in 8litre buckets, so by the time 12/12 came around they were getting root bound. The only soloution was to repot em, i cut about 2/3rd of the root mass away and put them into 18litre buckets, there was only a slight stall and no hermies, you can see by the pic that stretch was way out of control and i think that may be due to the root trim making them go through an exagerated stretch.

Next grow im going back to this type of grow with a couple of changes, i will use the same size bucket but they will be sitting in buckets of the same type, this lower bucket will have a drain pipe so flushin will be less of a chore, may even setup feed lines from a central res so it'll be just a case of hittin a swithch once a day to water them. I can only do this once i build a more suitible grow space, im to limitied by head room in the old grow box.


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Guest Urbanhog

Very impressive mini set up Rattdogg, will be keen to hear more how you scrogg'in them....


:D ;) ;)


Keep up with good job!



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