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I am a newbie but,

A couple of years back I had a plant in the cuboard

and a growlux 150watt light on it... It grew to around

3-4 feet in about 2 1/2 months 24/7. Then I switched the cycle to induce blooming... anyhow I got sick of waiting and a bit paranoid about the smell as i was living in a 40 unit building.... I ripped it out of the soil (fert'd with fish emulsion) and dried it in the griller, just when it was getting the first nice tips forming... well what a dissappointment that was!!! I didn't even get stoned of the shit!!!!

What I was wondering was... is this a common scenario with a hydro/light setup??

If you've ever had sumthin like this happen plz let me know,


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I have another experience with growing... but this

was FAR BETTER than a ultra low cost cuboard setup..

Basically I found this old clay pot that sort of looked like

a fat vase...bout 1 - 1 1/2 foot high... Just some cheap

potting soil some really cheap fish emulsion and one plant... This thing was in the sun all day - no shade.

It grew from seed in the pot about 1cm under. In about 3-4 days after comming up I started to prune it, every day!!! Just getting enough for a couple of cones!!! This is NO SHIT I got stoned every day for about 3 mnths!!!!

OK I wasn't totally whacked but almost as good as some of those buds getting around... no grief just a mild out of it feeling for about an hour.... I rekon maybee 2-4

plants grown like and if they survived winter would be AMAZING!!! This bugger was only about 1 foot high and I just left tiny little tip all over it. It was soooo bushy...

Regretfully I had to pull it cause my mum got upset when she finally figured it was a mull plnt... Maybee she knew all along - who knows???

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I ripped it out of the soil (fert'd with fish emulsion) and dried it in the griller, just when it was getting the first nice tips forming... well what a dissappointment that was!!! I didn't even get stoned of the shit!!!!

You pulled it long before maturity and then used one of the most THC destroying methods to dry it out, surprising you didn't get a massive headache too.



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:D....nah, I ended up with about a dinner plate full of leaf but when i put it under the griller it was phukin amazin how much it shrank... I was lucky to get about 4 cones from it... and, yeah now that i think back to it I do remember getting a bit of a headache... mostly I just remember how shockingly dissappointed I was. I just read somewhere in a post here that thc is produced to protect the plant from UV. Now alot of those posts are really starting to make sense to me... When I get a new setup cranking it will be kewl to experiment with all this new knowledge to find out what works and wot doesn't. The vagueries aside, that will take a deal of fiddling - which should keep things very interesting...
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g'day; you fucked up by giving plenty of good ferts then harvesting, you made it worse by drying in griller.

dont blame lights or hydro for very bad grow practice.

after drying mj you only receive about 1/4 of wet weight when dry, if lucky.

next time, let the plant mature and you will harvest ounces of buds not miniscule leafs.

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Hey I just thought of sumthin... I posted this in the support forums somewhere...


Its NOT SAFE to add your urls.... here's why


you know those secured avatars and stuff... there's

a piss easy way to just right click em and stiff get the goodies about them... also its just DUMB... how many optus accounts could i rip off... godd knows...


just before you go to right click an avatar or anywhere thats disables right click etc


1. hold down return/enter key

2. hold down right mouse btn

3. press pause/break key

4. lift up right mouse btn

5. lift up return


there it is balls an all...

if there is no toolbar you can also press shift-F10 and get the page menu etc... to get source... see the urls, make enquiries etc... get busted etc...

IMO don'td do that...


tah just wanted it off my chest



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