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hahaha crock of shit. your dealer friend doesnt know jack about growing but is trying to sound all knowledgeable, bet he has never even seen a hydro plant or for that matter even an outdoor plant. just another rip ya off and tell ya shit sort of bloke i'm thinkin. ha mortein :rolleyes: for f#*ks sake. hehe trust me it's good shit dude hehe.
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I was just talking to my 2nd party dealer and he said that he knew a mate who was heavy in the hydro growing, and said he used mortein in the water. And, people mistake 'laced weed' with weed thats been grown using poison or mortein. Supposed to make real strong shit. N the stuff i get from him, WOW. Sure cant be good for me, but its psychedelic.


Anyway, anyone who knows of similar techniques I would be interested in finding out. I just find it a bit strange, AND risky.


That's probably one of the stupidest questions I've seen asked in 7 years on these type of forum.

Give yourself a couple of good back handers, an upper cut or two, and go drink some PeaBau, you stupid stupid person :rolleyes:

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I know im off topic here , well what a redickulous topic anyways lol ... the part i find interesting is that the abused plants driven almost to death , are the plants that are reported to have high potency levels .. its not the first time either ive seen - heard this before its like the stressed plant produces potent knock-out weed ... hmmm just an observation :rolleyes:



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... the part i find interesting is that the abused plants driven almost to death , are the plants that are reported to have high potency levels .. its not the first time either ive seen - heard this before its like the stressed plant produces potent knock-out weed ... hmmm just an observation :rolleyes:




Yeah, good point Frazzle.

Driving nails into the main stem

Splitting the stem with a knife

Pulling the plant and dropping the whole rootball into boiling water to somehow 'make' the plant 'push' more thc out

etc etc :sly: lol funny what goes through peoples heads ?

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I know this is quite an old thread, but after reading it thru I just had to add my two cents...


try using Round UP in the resi.. i heard that shit works wonders for weed..


:bow: B)


Anything I buy these days is thru one particular friend because I know she's very particular who she buys from. Have always had good gear from her and have never been sick.


Unfortunately I was not so lucky once when I was with my ex.

We were at his dealer/mate's place and we're all having a smoke. This dealer/mate brought out some buds that he reckoned was the shit.

I didn't even get all the way thru pulling my cone when I dropped it, (literally) ran to the bathroom and proceeded to throw my ring up. The dealer/mate was pissed coz I got bong water all over his carpet, my ex was pissed because I pissed his dealer/mate off and I was pissed because I KNOW that shit was laced with something!

Never found out what it was tho. I just because very cautious as to who I got my weed from after that!


I learnt the hard way I guess, then again, so have a lot of people I spose. :)



:) ~M.

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