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I was just talking to my 2nd party dealer and he said that he knew a mate who was heavy in the hydro growing, and said he used mortein in the water. And, people mistake 'laced weed' with weed thats been grown using poison or mortein. Supposed to make real strong shit. N the stuff i get from him, WOW. Sure cant be good for me, but its psychedelic.


Anyway, anyone who knows of similar techniques I would be interested in finding out. I just find it a bit strange, AND risky.

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AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i think possibly you have smoked too much dodgy mortein weed


i wouldnt ever put that shit near my buds even if i has such a bug infestation that it was the only option then i would rather just kill the plants off


seriously dude that shit aint good for ya health and if ya grower is doing that too ya he has no regards for your health either


cheerz :peace:

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I spend too much time flushing the chemicals out of my mj to turn around and add known poisons to it, an old Tasmanian dealer trick was to actually spray dried poor quality mj with fly spray or similar to make it sticky and seem higher in THC but the side effects of smoking the laced weed were pretty bad in some cases so they ended up spraying with diet coke instead.


In your place I would be finding another dealer, one that relies on getting in a good quality product that doesn't need chemical additives to get you "high".



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Around my haunts people are generally afraid of heavily crystallized bud because they think it must of been laced with herion or cocaine....I WISH!!!! :peace:


And the storys coming out of the UK about what they get as 'commercial' weed is jaw dropping - ground up glass that actually tinkles when you shake it onto a mirror - to make it look good...


Dealers always say that their stuff is the 'chronic' but anyone who knows anything wouldn't be putting their name to that stuff.


Sure it gets you ripped but so will snorting Ajax.... ;)


Jimbo ;)

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I was just talking to my 2nd party dealer and he said that he knew a mate who was heavy in the hydro growing, and said he used mortein in the water. And, people mistake 'laced weed' with weed thats been grown using poison or mortein. Supposed to make real strong shit. N the stuff i get from him, WOW. Sure cant be good for me, but its psychedelic.


Anyway, anyone who knows of similar techniques I would be interested in finding out. I just find it a bit strange, AND risky.



Wake up mate and drop the dealer (obviously bad for your health) and grow your own with no bloody mortien. Thats just crazy. :bow: :bow: ;) :bow: ;) ;) :sick :peace: ;) ;) :bow: ;)

And no round up hey SS ;)



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Haha, well I suppose I would never use any mortein if i were to grow any.

I just found out today that the stuff I get from him is clean, just really good. It's a friend of his that he used to know that used mortein. He also said some guy sprayed his plants till they were almost dead with nutes, ended up being the best weed they have had.

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Spraying the plant with nutes during Veg cycle only (foliar feeding) is common practise i think.

and of course your dealer mate is going to say his is clean. ;) Would you still buy it if it was laced? ;)

Maybe you would :peace:

Anyway get a grow of your own going as you cant trust any second hand dope to be any good. Unless your mate grows it which means its not second hand but how far does your trust go with him. (If his mates do it maybe he does to ;) )

Good luck getting a grow started i would start tomorrow if i was you. ;)




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